Hit by a tirade of court cases, his story was yet a reminder that no success comes easy.
He was divinely enthroned, yet men would dare to confront the will of the Almighty.
As one on a divine mission, he dared to go where others won’t dare! He screened the civil service, determined to let go of our monthly burdens.
Lokoja metropolis is now agog with modern street lights!
In 365 days, the Internally Generated Revenue has increased by more than 200%. This is now counted in billions as opposed to a few hundreds of millions previously. To further boost the efforts of the State Revenue Service, an Ultramodern Building is to be commissioned today.
The three Senatorial Districts have multiple road networks flagged off to the tune of billions of naira.
These achievements and more speak for the New Direction Government.
Happy Anniversary GYB!
Olu Majek
Kabba/Bunu LGA.