Friends, Family Members Congratulate Dr. Adama on New Academic Attainment

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Dr Ahmed Muhd Adama, who had his Viva Voce yesterday at the Nasarawa State University Keffi, where he obtained a PhD in Security and Strategic Studies has received numerous congratulatory message from friends and families.

Adama saw the need to look in to the “Impact of Infrastructural Deficit on Food Security in Kogi State, Nigeria” as a topic of interest. He did a robust work and detailed analysis which earned him a PhD in this area.

The External Examiner described Dr. Adama’s academic research work as key to the country’s most difficult challenges – infrastructure and food security – and thanked the candidate for his work which he saw as a major contribution to the existing knowledge in this area.

He urged states, Kogi state in particular and Federal Government, to look for good works like Dr Adama’s and consult the author in tackling our numerous problems.

A social media influencer and an academics, Salihu Adam Jiddah, took to his Facebook page this morning to celebrate a brother.

“Bros, you have earned your PhD through hard work, dedication and knowledge of your area, you have shown that what the mind can conceive, a man can achieve. I celebrate you and your achievements. Congratulations Ahmed Muhammad Adama PhD,” he wrote.

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