Five Social Media Blunders That Can Affect Your Career

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Social media as we all know has been a source of companion to countless of people out there. As it also stand that most of this individuals, are continually digging career pot holes for themselves through their mode of interactions on various platforms.

Each time you go for a job interview, what you always hear your potential employer say is: “I will get back to you or I will call you” -so you go back home, excited and with full assurance that the job could be yours. But after waiting for a very long time, you start wondering; “what is going on? I was the best candidate interviewed. I should have been called back by now!” you kept on wondering indespair and you just don’t know what to do. What really happened that you were never called back was that; immediately you left the interview hall, there was a thorough background check that has been carried out on you. The employer needed to be sure of all you’ve claimed to be during the interview. And in other to achieve this, social media became one of the major source for them to gather intel on you.

Now let’s take a look at the 5 social media blunders that are capable of truncating your career.

Blunder 1: Your Social Media Posts

Well, I won’t call it carelessness. I will rather use the word ignorance. People are ignorant of what damage and also of what good their posts on social media are to them.

The question I will ask you is; “who are you trying hard to impress online?” Only you can answer the above question.

Your post on social media should always be in agreement with your personality and how you really want people to analyze you. There is always a need to stick to your status quo. I received a call one day from an unknown source. The first thing he asked me was if I am a motivational speaker and I said yes. But I couldn’t help but asked him what brought about the question. “your posts on Facebook” that was his response. One thing we humans are very good at is drawing conclusion merely from what we see. Your post on social media shouldn’t in contradiction with who you claimed to be. Guide this with total discretion in other to build a good career and to scale through every background check.

Blunder 2: Comments on YourPosts

If you truly know what background check mean. Then you will know that no stone will be left unturned. Comments from your social media groups like; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, google+, and so on. Comments from all this groups are very important to your potential employer as Intel’s are gathered from there. It also applies to those seeking for appointment into public offices. Always have time to review any of this comments on any of your social media accounts. That is why we have notification gesture to inform you of any activities going taking place on your post. Review all this comments thoroughly, delete all the career threat comments and keep only those ones that are capable of boasting your career. It’s your account after all, and you owe nobody any explanation or whatsoever as to why you delete their comments. Don’t hesitate to delete unnecessary comments.

Blunder 3: Unnecessary Tags

Even if you are not responsible for any responsible post. The fact that you allow your friends on social media tag you any how and you on your own part allow all these offensive post sits on your timeline, well that makes you irresponsible. Delete every unnecessary tags and maintain a clean timeline. What most people don’t know is that you can control the way you are tag in any post. There is what we call a timeline review that allows you to select options that suits you. These options includes; whether the post should appear on your timeline or not, who can see the post, and lots more.

Blunder 4: The Pages You Like And The People You Follow

Most of us don’t pay much attention to this. But it also goes a long way in determining our personality. If you claim to be religious in life and all the people you follow on social media are gangsters and Rap artist, you are already in contradiction with who you claim to be. This is how it goes; pages you like determines what you constantly want to see, and people you followed determines what you want to become. Don’t just like any page just because your friend invited you to like it. If I should check any of your social media accounts and I discovered that in almost all you liked and followed D&G, I don’t have to be told for me to know that you have a thing for fashion. Be mindful  of this and you won’t have to worry about any background check.

Blunder 5: Your Friend List

I won’t say much on this. All I will say is your choice of friends determines the kind of choice you are capable of making in life. But remember that life becomes more easier when you delete all the negative people from it.

You might not be able to change where you are coming from, but you can change where you are going to; through the choices you make. When you choice to always do the right thing and not to be in contradiction with who you claim to be, then you will have a shot at what life has to offer. You are on social media as an ambassador of not just yourself, but your family included and even your country. So why must you let all this people down? I bet you that I know how it feels to have a thousand likes or hundreds of comments on your post. But when all this is coming from been in contradiction with who you are, my friend you are in a bigger trouble and I say: welcome to the world of pretense and the world of double living.

Make the right choice today and live right.

– Kelvin Oluseyi Eleta is a career consultant, speaker, political analyst, event host, and Co-founder of HopeDose Consultancy.

Reach him on 07060543620 for bookings and consultations.

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