#EndSARS: Armed Thugs Shoots Journalist, Residents in Kogi

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The Kogi state correspondent of The Sun Newspapers, Emmanuel Adeyemi has been shot by armed thugs who took over all majors roads in Lokoja, the state capital, on Monday morning.

Adeyemi was about entering the press centre of the Nigeria Union of Journalist (NUJ) when he was hit by live bullets fired by the masked thugs.

He is currently on admission in a private hospital.

The thugs, operating freely in Toyota Seinna bus, were seen shooting sporadically as they move round Zone 8, Lokongoma, Ganaja Junction, Post Office, Adankolo, Old Market, Nataco and other other areas in the state capital.

Aside the journalist, many other residents have been reported injured by gunshots from the marauding thugs.

The gunshots in Lokoja, the Kogi state capital followed the resumption of looting in another warehouse in Zone 8 area.

A similar incident was recorded overnight when the ADP warehouse was invaded and bags of fertilizer carted away.

As of the time of filing this report, heavy gunshots rent the air while all shops along Murtala Mohammed way, Lokoja are closed, with people scampering to safety.

In a reaction, the Police public relations officer, William Aya, said those who shot the Journalist could be the looters who were scaring people to enable them perpetuate their nefarious acts.

He said that the shootings were not from the Police officers, adding that they were being trailed and would be brought to book shortly.

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