Emerging Satanic and Retrogressive Fault Lines in Ebiraland

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Yes! The time has come for me to seize this opportunity as a moment of truths: Truth in its naked form. I, Otori Ozigi, will address the most contentious and contemporary issues that has brought odium and embarrassment to all well-meaning and decent citizens of Ebira extraction both home and abroad.

These issues are a product of modern civilization and moral politics that has found its roots under this democratic dispensation. Certainly, I cannot recall when all the evils in the land started. As a child born in the early sixties, July 19, 1963 to be precise. I grew up in a community where love, peace,security and empathy were almost taken for granted by all and sundry.

In Ikuehi community, a serene and sleepy habitation, there was respect for moral values and a deep rooted value for human life. Our culture blossomed and thrived inconviviality and mutual respect for all adherents of the three major religions in the land, namely Islam, Christianity and Traditional religions.

I am proud to recall that I was born into the home of traditionalists, even at that, I partook in Muslims and Christians festivals in solidarity with our neighbors. Such was the general atmosphere of conviviality and spirit of oneness that pervaded the entire community in the land then. Our culture signposted by Echane, Eche Ori, Ekuechi and Eche Ahana were moments of tourist attractions.

You may wish to know that the mode of practise of that culture has since suffered unmitigated bastardization in the hands of miscreants and hoodlums that have taken over Ebiraland in this twenty first century, what a calamity!

These days, our masquerades and their adherents have imbibed a new culture of hooliganism and open display of madness all in the name of culture. Who will save these set of people from themselves as we match on to the next level everywhere we go in this country.

Now, let’s beam our searchlight on the new culture of politics and unnecessary cleavage to clannish sentiments and primordial faultlines in the land.

As a student of history, I can recall that the politics of the first Republic was devoid of all the bad trappings as we are witnessing today. Recall that the said Republic berth politics without bitterness, rancor, thuggery or brigandage. I remember the Adamu Attas, the Abatemis, the Kokoris, the Pius,the Megida Lawals, the Maikasuwas, the John Bellos, the Aroges, the John Lawals all playing politics of decency and mutual respects even though they were indifferent political parties. Their campaigns and Rallies were issues based and consensus building.

Oh! Who will bring back the golden eras of our forebearers and fallen heroes?

These days, what do we have on our hands? Your answer to this one million dollar question could better be imagined in the realm of destruction of lives and properties all in the name of politics.

Now, let’s talk about our cleavage to clannish sentiments. Until recently, I never knew that I belong to Idu clan because it never mattered to me and my peer groups. I can recall that when I came home to join politics ten years ago, I was being asked severally this embarrassing question of which of the clans do I belong to. What a tribe, what a people living in self denial.

In conclusion therefore, I wish to state emphatically that until we throw away this extra baggage of lack of love, empathy, mutual trust and feelings among the generality of the people in the land, Ebiraland would never come out of self inflicted destruction and doldrums in the nearest future.

This is the gospel but bitter truth.

Long live Ebira Nation

Long live my followers on this platform

-Otori Ozigi is a former Public Relations officer of the Nigerian Ports Authority, Journalist and PR Expert

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