Elulu Stool: Historical Fallacy, MWS BoT Debunks Publication on Selection of Chief Muyiwa Ibeun as Designate

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Mopa Welfare Society (MWS) has denied having knowledge of a publication titled, “MOPA WELFARE SOCIETY BOARD DECRIES THE SELECTION OF ELULU’S SELECTION”, published by online news platforms.

This was made in a remark and response by His Royal Highness, Oba of Adogbe, Steven Olujide, a Member of Board of Trustees (BoT) of Mopa Welfare Society (MWS), also the only member of Mopa Traditional Council in MWS BoT.

His words;

“It is wrong for an individual to write on behalf of the Board of Trustee of Mopa Welfare Society without the knowledge of the Board”.

“The Board is yet to meet on the issue, and indeed has not delegated any body to write on our behalf”, he concluded.

It is also factually on record that the last time the MWS BoT met was 23rd of December, 2023 for the final burial ceremony of the immediate past Elulu of Mopa, His Royal Majesty (HRM), Oba Julius Joledo.

The public hereby should note that the piece was written by a faceless impostor, who have it illicitly published on trendinggist.com.

The said publication from MWS BoT claimed in their historical fallacy and illusion that, “there are two major ruling houses in Mopa but further subdivided to two (Odole and Iloke)”.

They added in their falsified history that “ODOLE produces AJERIN and AISAN ruling houses, while ILOKE produces ILEGEMO and PATIA ruling houses”.

Putting the story straight; let us first establish that no sub community, clan or family that is superior to the other in the larger community called MOPA today, these are not the idea of IMOPAWAPO (UNITY) that our forefathers agreed to establish the community upon.

IMOPAWAPO (MOPA) was created in 1916, Later on, Late Oju Obaro Aloko from the AJERINs was jointly agreed to be the first King after the unification of all the communities that formed MOPA. He died in 1956.

Before Oba Aloko was agreed upon to be the unifying King of Mopa, it was agreed that the Odole and Ileteju communities will be having the Kingship one after the other.

After the death of Oba Aloko from the AJERINs in 1956, a Chief from the ILEGEMOs, Ileteju part of MOPA, Oba Abel Orimolade became the King in 1958 and he was there until he passed away in 1980.

In 1986, the immediate passed away Elulu, HRM, Oba Julius Joledo became the King from the AISANs in Odole.

The MWS BoT claimed that the ILEGEMOs and IPATIAs from Iloke are the ruling houses from the Ileteju axis. It is a fact that the ILEGEMOs of Ileteju axis are the only clan that has been Elulu in the person of Oba Abel Orimolade in history. How can a family or clan be claimed to be a ruling house when it has never been a King in history?

The Ileteju part of MOPA constists of Ayanku, Iloke (Ilegemo and Ipatia), Ikeji and Ijagbe. How possible that only Iloke have right to be Elulu amongst the sub communities and clans of MOPA? Where is the IMOPAWAPO (Unity of Purpose) idea that MOPA was foundated upon?

All we are saying is, based on how MOPA was established, all of these communities should have right to produce the Elulu.

The Mopa Welfare Society (MWS) and her BoT is/are not a King making arm, infact the organization is a subject of the Mopa Traditional Council (MTC). They should rather, take an observation status in the King selection process, ensuring a rancour free activities for the King Makers and MTC until a new Elulu is coronated, rather they decide to take side and falsify history.

Contrary to the position of the said publication from MWS BoT that it is the turn of PATIAs to become Elulu, Otunba Elkanah Oba Iyagin from Patia became Otunba of Mopa, after his death, Chief David Olojo from Ilegemo became Otunba of Mopa, in which there was/is an agreement that after Oba Julius Joledo and it will be Ileteju’s turn to be Elulu, it should be micro zoned to Ikeji.

It should be on record that the process produced Chief Muyiwa Ibeun as the Elulu-elect is not only fair, but credible and transparent, following the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and Traditions of Mopa Land.

The public is urged to ignore messages and publications from enemies of the development of Mopa, who want to arm twist the media to malign Mopa Traditions in installing a new Elulu.


President: Hon. Monday Elere

Director of Public Education: Hon. Abayomi Jesse Oloke

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