Easter: We No Longer Follow Teachings of Christ – Apostle Momo Laments

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By Abubakar Yunusa .

As Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, a clergy man, Apostle Promise Momo, Senior Pastor and founder of Zion Flames Prophetic and Intercessory Ministries (ZFPIM),has expressed his discomfort about how Christians, particularly religious leaders in Nigeria, have deviated from the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The minister of God, in an Easter message he personally signed and made available to journalists in Lagos, said he found it difficult to believe that Jesus would come back to meet “faith” on the earth.

He flay some religious leaders who had continued to conduct fake miracles in the church of God, advising them to go back to the true teachings of Christ.

Apostle Momo said: “Can we all use this season to reflect on the true teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ? Did Jesus actually die for us to be saved?

“Are we truly following Christ’s teachings, or we have derailed from them? To me, what is going on in Christiandom is disappointing.

“The devil is laughing at us, and he is currently working round the clock to ensure that we lead our members astray.

“Many of us are now storing treasures on earth, not in heaven anymore. Fake prophecies and miracles have taken over the church.

“We are not teaching by the word of God by using one woman to stage fake miracles. Why should we also forsake the teachings of salvation but instead preach prosperity?

“Some of us have turned the church to a “playhouse’ where the audience sits while watching the show. Going by what is happening in the body of Christ, I align with the word spoken by Jesus Christ in Luke 18:8 that would he find faith on earth when he returns?

“There is still time to amend our ways and obey the voice of God, our creator. Let us use this season to search our souls deeply and start working our ways to heaven.

“We should be reminded that only those who live by the word of God have a living hope in the resurrection of Christ.”

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