Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji is The Moses of Kogi East

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As bonafide  indigene of Dekina LGA. I know the general language when it comes to infrastructural development. Our people are used to the dilapidated state of roads, electricity, water and other social amenities. In fact, as economically viable as the land is, no tangible developmental project has occurred in the past few years. Therefore, if there is anything called struggles for a better Kogi Eastern Senatorial districts, that alone I am willing to shed my blood for. Because, there is my root and the people had fallen victims severally, to economic and political misrepresentation.
Surprisingly, my article; “Dr Victor Alewo Adoji is a star in the Darkened skies” published last week actually trafficated my contact with calls and messages from Kogites testifying to Dr VAA’s generosity. One of the callers said and I quote; “Bros thank you for that wonderful write up. I owe everything I am presently to God and Dr Adoji. I lost my dad when I was in SSS two and after writing my SSCE, the hope of going to the university evanesced. So I started living the normal guy life. But on that pivotal morning, I was in the church (United Evangelical church) playing the musical instrument as usual. After the offering, Dr Victor asked me publicly what I do for a living. I told him I have been writing Jamb for four years now but have been unable to secure admission due to financial constraint. Behold! The man of God said to me that God told him to see me through the university. Right now, am in three hundred level. We are about 10 students in my school under the financial custody of Dr. VAA.”
Other caller that I felt mentioning here is a Muslim turn Christian lady from Ogun state. She told me frankly how she was subjected to constant torture by her very dedicated Muslim but poor family for accepting Jesus Christ. Although With succour from the presiding minister in her local church, she was able to complete her secondary School Education. Later the pastor was transferred from Ogun state to Lagos and that was how her story changed the day she visited the pastor and his family in Lagos and having encountered Dr VAA. I can go on and on. Perhaps publish those contacts and SMS if the needs arise.
Now let’s without sentiment, draw some conclusion from the short testimonies above.
As tradition demands among the affluent in the society that nothing should go for nothing, which had made rich men spend their money only, where business relationship and connections can be fostered. I waited anxiously to receive call from sons/daughters of wealthy men as regard Dr Victor’s generosity. But lo and behold! It was all from those exposed to the scotching heat of poverty and wretchedness. Those who hardly afford 3-square meal. Now what does this means to a rational Kogite? Of course, it portrays Dr VAA as a true definition of cordial relationship between the rich and the poor, low and mighty. Victor as a genuine Christian understands that whatever God gave him is for the benefit of mankind. Besides, identifying with the poor and vulnerable shows his staunch believe and strict adherence to equality. He believes everyone one is equal irrespective of our religion and social differences.
Apparently, Dr VAA’s humane formula indicates him as a talent Hunter. He seeks and invest hugely in uncommon but dying talent among Kogites particularly of Igala extraction.
Without mincing words, this human development pattern, apart from presenting Kogites as industrious citizens, projects Kogi state for a brighter future. I also received call from employees whose fortune had been changed dynamically by Adoji as they are currently confronting daily needs conveniently from their various employment.
Without apology, Dr VAA’s benevolent cannot be over emphasized. Even those sponsoring criticism knows. Yet, some paid hooligans miscreantly insinuated that Dr VAA hates anyone who is succeeding. They even went further to site an Igala guy who suddenly became Victor’s arch enemy because he is studying in the UK. Well, let me apologise for been unable to find a word that could best describe these sponsored lies from the pit of hell.
Of what benefit is one’s downfall to Dr. Adoji When all that he seeks and guide in men is that which undoubtedly solicits their greatness? Some said he is not a grassroot oriented. As such, he doesn’t know what the challenges are. How low and primitive can people in the affairs of reasoning. Moreover, what other definition of grassroot-oriented do they have for a man whose abundance is dedicated to giving sense of belonging to the desolates and gullible Kogites?
For posterity sake, Dr. Victor Adoji’s Senatorial aspiration symbolises a revolution from hardship to abundance, darkness to light, political bondage to freedom of equal representation etc.
Contrary to some psychopathic insinuations that Dr. VAA is seeking for riches and worldly connections, Dr. VAA’s political venture will mark an era of transparency and accountability. It will be the beginning of a true dividend of Democracy to the people. It will be when a leader will be accessible by the electorates.
Kogi Eastern Senatorial districts happens to have produced the largest Local Government in West Africa (Dekina), yet it hasn’t witnessed any tangible political impacts due to poor legislative outputs. Hence, there is an urgent need for the right technocrats in the affairs of legislation. To project bills and motions in an appropriate manner.
Dr. Adoji has demonstrated his capacity in these criteria. He has participated fully in the duty of uniting Igalas. He has put strategies and suggestions forward to the betterment of our people both at home and abroad. Ufedo, Udama Unyogba Ane Igala, an Abuja based NGO can testify to this when it made Dr. VAA chairman in one of it’s annual conferences. Igala association USA is also a living witness when Dr. Victor served as one of the Dignitaries that graced it’s gathering few years back.
Dr VAA’s message had been allergic to nepotism, marginalisation, self-centeredness, social and ethnic differences. As a matter of fact, Victor is the ladder in which Kogi East should rely for it’s expected socio economic and political revolution.
I have said this before and will repeat here, that the battles for a better Kogi EAST federal constituency will not be won with politicos and politicking. But with purposeful, visionary candidature with a well defined distinct in both intellectual and political mantra. Just as an Africa’s Democractic hero puts it; “I am sick and tired of the crumbs of compassion thrown from the table of those who consider themselves my Lords and masters, I want a full menu of rights.” It is far beyond the loyalty syndrome or the crumbs of compassion mentality. It will not be won by politics of cluelessness. But with esteems of collective appraisal, self-made in creative and financial capacity. A core Godly mindset with genuine and qualitative leadership attributes.
This is where Dr. Victor Alewo falls in as the most credible candidate for the sacred assignment. He has achievements of immeasurable height in the above criterion. Above all, his life personifies an act of Godliness which sees leadership is an opportunity to serve.
Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji’s mission and vision towards Kogi East Senatorial districts could best describe that of Moses sent by God to lead Isrealites to their promise Land (Cannan).
His huge investment in Igala sons’ and daughters’ academic career shows a greater light on the horizon for the confluence city.
So, let’s see it beyond sentiment and and stipends with which our Destiny is always exchanged and vote Dr VAA as the people’s senator in 2019. His campaign which will commence shortly is a moving train that will hold sway on every nooks and crannies of Kogi east. Hence, every like minders must join this train to vote out poverty, hunger, bad road and every economic shortfalls that are substantial to our very existence as a people.
God Bless Igalaland
– John Paul

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