Dr Victor Adoji: Between Gold and Greed

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One thing I will not deny is that, there are saints in kogi’s polity. Just like an illusive biblical Judah in the twelve, everyone is not corrupt. Although, chances are that, even the Saint can be lured considering the state of affluence exhumed by politicians, but the menacing predicament is, very few are given the opportunity in the political realms. And these few will in no doubt leave behind a positive impact no matter what.

I have pondered timelessly and concluded that Kogi is indeed a land of milk and honey. It’s a land where hills and valleys nestle in wedlock of heritage. It is a rich soil and the people are industrious. But our greatest albatross is Greed not exhumed by all but the opportunists. And they have made it a usual norm which everyone now follows.

For instance; I am pained by the magnifying despondency among my people, so I decide to get rid of it, but not when I am given the chance to foresee their welfare in office. There are others who also disguised in affirmative but with a hidden motive. They seek ridiculous loans and fritter the proceed on the people to alleviate a momentary wants. Eventually, they became a preference over me. And despite touring round the society and preaching my ass out with the goodwill messages, they are voted into power. Few days later, they litter the street in search of solace from the brunt of their uncontrollable (in)actions…

Back to the central thrust, Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji has proven an unrivaled proficiencies within and outside Kogi state before resonating to the realm of politics. He has posited timelessly that Kogi can be 10th economic giant in Africa. Even his God given resources was channeled toward this amiable and indelible task. From house to house, street to street, hamlet to hamlet, village to village, town to town and local government to local government, he has preached to the people and dispensed the right formula for evading the current economic and political quagmire.

His messages were loud and clear but the rebuffing factor was insatiable quests berthed by greed. The elites and the self styled political gamblers knows then that Victor was the light we longed for. Some said his emergence as either senator or governor will strip them of some messianic grip of the state. In short, contrary to what is on the public dome, a meeting was held in Dubai and a concession was reached that Christians are not to be given the governorship ticket.

Today, the efficacy of that nefarious concession is obvious. With a failed incumbent seemingly riding smoothly back to power and the contradictory acceptance of his second term mandate as fate, not only are we counting our losses, no one will be exempted from the impending inversion of Bello’s atrocities.

Again, Nigerians had modified an entirely different political notion about Kogi state. As a matter of fact, many are yet to reconcile that the same Bello who inflict so much pain may be voted again. And, they perpetually wondered why it has to be so. Some had recently judged that the people and even the media lies about his failure. But those in the know forecasted GREED is rampaging.

I am not mouthing this, Victor Adoji’s dumped mandate is a golden chance Kogites may never have  twice in their existential space. I will not also dispute that through individual ethics and principles,  some lines of actions maybe faulted but there is no reason been human if everyone is perfect.

Again, I repeat, just like Stephen Achema of the blessed memory, Victor Adoji is a political enigma enburden and broaden to confront political inanities and compel a desirable Kogi state through critical and well-thought out technocratic approach. some ignored this been oblivious of the stuff he (Victor) is made of, but the high tensioned greed of the elites would also not let.

Take it or leave, if Victor had emerged the winner of the recent primaries, the likes of senator Dino Melaye whose voices, the terrorists in the Lugard house had identified as threat will not go to his closet. No doubt, Ibro and Co may try to exhibit their stock in trade but the process of uniting the party and forcing the anti-democrats in the Lugard House out would have been more easier considering the faces behind Victor’s mandate.

Of course, there was a strategy from the National executive of the party backing his aspiration but solely rely on the  delegates whom I have fasted and prayed not to be led by their sumptuous love for MONEY.

As things stood, some believed PDP is dead. Others said their candidate doesn’t know his ounce, perhaps, the aggrieved margin is so wide for him, and in the ruling APC, there is the air of jubilee that the direct opposition is now a lesser task in the quest to return to power. I weep for my dear state.

Thank-God I have earlier cautioned against this. And of course if it’s about removing Yahaya Bello, we will all support Eng. Musa Wada, but the sacred answers to a better Kogi state is hanging in the air. And if the need be, we will all live to enjoy the brunt of any upshot.

God Bless Kogi state, God blessed DVAA.

– John Paul.

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