Dr. Nelson Hails Appointment of Hon. James Lawal as Pioneer Chairman, Kogi Youth Devt Commission

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I am using this rare privilege of this nascent appointment of Hon. James Lawal James, aka Prof James, as the maiden commission chairman, to appreciate the leadership of Kogi state government His Excellency Gov. Yahaya Bello, HE Deputy Governor Chief Edward Onoja, the young energetic COS Pharm. Jamiu Asuku and a lot of other members of the executives for creating an atmosphere for youth inclusiveness and further showing re commitment to invigorating and consolidating youth empowerment policies which has been one of the hallmark and mantras of the GYB led administration.

This recent development will come as a shock especially with the appointment of our own versatile, creative and innovative Hon. James who understands the aspirations and monumental needs and dynamism of Kogi state youths as this feat will liberate and educate them and serve as an avenue to bring them partake in the governance of our state.

With the material made up of the new youth leader, I have no doubt’s in his capacity to hit the ground running by bringing together all instruments of revamp and have a working diplomatic organization focused on youth oriented goals, orientation and directives as a means of educating our youths on issues bothering them ranging from governance to vocational skill acquisitions, sports and offering guidance and counselling to them on moral living such as saying no to drugs and rapes, no to children been drop out from school and preaching equity and building confidence in Kogi youth.

Obviously, our state is blessed and we are happy that governance had taken a new shape as there’s a new horizon and place of youth in this new Nigeria.

Assuring the public that this will turn out to be an immense success as no stone will be left untouched regarding emancipation of citizens of the state. More of this laudable attainment and discovery I pray for our dear state. I admonish the new representative and youth servant to live beyond our expectations and justify the pivotal role given to him by making the state proud.

Once again congratulations, Prof Ozomata.

– Nelson Olorunfemi David is an entrepreneur, a writer, social media influencer, a physician, and an activist with passion for creating an environment that will better the course of humanity, he just realized that to jaw-jaw is better than war-war. An ardent believer in having a new Kogi of our own.

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