Don’t Answer a Fool According to His Folly: Makama Replies Edward Onoja

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Every citizen in a political entity called Nigeria is entitled to his/her opinion as far as freedom of speech is concerned. Section 39 (1) of the Constitution of The Federal Republic of Nigeria stipulates that “every person shall be entitled to freedom of expression, including freedom to hold opinions”.

Similarly, Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Right adopted in 1948 states that “ Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers “. This is not absolute, there are limitations attached to it.You cannot discredit any opposition by claiming a right.

I am constrained by Edward Onoja‘s right to assert the existence of a right to freedom of speech and excuse himself from having to offer any justification for his opinion that ;-

“The blood in your hands (Ikani Okolo) and Makama on elimination you did for Ibro (Former Governor Ibrahim Idris)  will fight you to the ground. And it’s already doing it. You run from church to church and you can’t stay away from shrines even up to Igbo land. Those things can’t help now. They have expiry date. The ancestors will hunt all those who must first shed blood to attain power” Edward Onoja (as reported on Kogi Reports on Jan., 05 2018.)

My Bible told me not to answer a fool according to his folly or I will be just like him. in attitude and aptitude. (Prov., 26 V 4) But Verse 5 said answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit”. The fact you are entitled to your opinion. It does not mean you are entitled to a well informed opinion.

Edward Onoja, If you have personal issues or quarrel with me (Makama) the best thing is to seek redress in the court of law. Or, rather, make it open to the court of public opinion  with sound evidence, corresponding data or proofs.For the past three (3) years your role as Kogi State Chief of staff is preposterous. Indeed it  is a radical departure from your original schedule of duties. The duty of Chief of Staff comes with vast, if somewhat amorphous responsibilities. This accounts for why it is so hard to find someone who is truly suitable for it. You cannot be a chief of staff without being emotionally balance, people- oriented and objective to avoid putting the lives of the people in danger and penury. The Press describe a chief of staff as a hidden power in a state capital ; the Governor’s enforcer to navigate bureaucracy. The reverse is the case since you assume office.

The greatest deception anybody suffers is his or her opinions. The political structure in Kogi State has been one of mind disturbing in recent times. This begins with the use of personal opinion, and private solution to solve public matters which is the highest deception a state like Kogi will ever experience.

I am referring mainly to sociopolitical opinion when we pretend to know what we do not know.

As a politically exposed person, I am a product of the masses and those who are wrongfully determined enemies. If I have succeeded in the area am functioning as member representing Igalamela/Odolu Kogi State House of Assembly as well as advisor to International Human Right Commission Nigeria. It is because I stood on the shoulder of those who have gone ahead of me in building a world constantly from being victimized by it.

I have outgrown the age of peddling rumour, casting unnecessary aspersions just to attract public sympathy, empathy or apathy. Our opinion should be based on evidence of good arguments that seek the truth not truthiness.

Your views cannot be treated as a candidate for truth when there is no litigation standing against me in the court of law. There was no commission of enquiry to exhume the hidden the so-call shedding or blood or homicide case as you alleged.

This shows how inexperience, uneducated, uninformed and ignorant you are. It is better to shut your mouth up as such unguarded statement can be used against you in the court of law for defamation of character or libel.

Edward, the fact you are entitled to your opinion which is an incontestable right guaranteed by the constitution. It does not mean the masses are morally obligated to accept your fabrication and tissues of lies as gospel truth.

Edward Onoja, do not forget quickly that salvation is a personal thing. I owe you no explanation on my spiritual life. The statement credited to you as quoted earlier shows how much you lack independent mind as a Christian. An independent mind is a mind of Christ , it thinks for itself through revealed knowledge of truth. A person who is a carrier of the mind of Christ will not be going about with proclaiming the nuances of self righteousness and textural subtlety of democratic disempowerment,expert usurper and political upstart. Exactly what becomes an opportunity to inflict first degree hardship, disease or death on  people. Posterity will judge !

Edward, your major concerned now should be, what will the people of Kogi State say about you when you leave office January 20th, 2020? What are your legacies? Can your achievements with your employer withstand what I have achieved for my people in a single tenure? This is the area I will be interested to debate with you than building castle in the air. There is no need reasserting the opinion that “ugbayalu to okp’ehie le”, locust beans smell more than another variety of locust beans.

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant.

– Elder Friday Sani Paul (Makama)
Diplomat, International Human Right Commission, Abuja, Nigeria

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