Democracy Day: A Work in Progress

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As Nigerians mark Democracy Day today following the change in the date of the holiday, I wish to congratulate all Nigerians at all levels for holding tenaciously unto the tenets of democracy. Democracy, as some scholars have said, is a human experiment which will continue to get better as people work steadfastly towards its perfection. It’s neither an end product or a destination, but work in progress.

After 21 years of experimenting with it, the longest since Independence, Nigerians cannot be said to have arrived at the destination. But the demands and risks of the journey are worth the efforts. So let us remain focused, determined and united in the efforts to sustain our democracy, which remains the best legacy of rule-driven system we can ever bequeath to the generations yet unborn.

No great nation that’s conscious of freedom for its people; demands for accountability from its rulers and punishes those that violate its rule would ever despair in perfecting its democratic system for the hope that it provides. So let us go on the democratic journey with the hope that the more we get used to the system, the more perfect it would become to serve us and protect us against tyranny, authoritarianism and dictatorship of man.

Congratulations, once again, to all Nigerians on this democracy day as we hope for more democracy dividends for all!

– Safiya Stephanie Musa
Founder, Edushine Educational Support Foundation

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