COVID-19 Containment in Nigeria; Matters Arising

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The Coalition of Oodua Self determination Group (COSEG), having monitored responses by the Federal government and South West states to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic since the index case in Lagos and subsequent spread across the country.  The COSEG leadership has extensively review and analysed the progress so far.

While acknowledging the efforts of the various tiers of government,  we’re not unwary of the huge gaps in the management of the crisis in Nigeria most especially as it affects the South West.

Lagos was exposed and unprotected to the ravaging disease as a gateway and frontier for international flights, land borders and sea cargo activities.  Her strategic location, cosmopolitan nature, and commercial centre for the country and West African sub-region endangered her for the huge transmission of the deadly diseases. This has led to the exponential spread at this stage of community transmission. This is very alarming given the level of disaster preparedness occasioned by the failure of the Nigeria state to adequately position our economy and health facilities for this type of outbreak.

Lagos state within the available capacity have demonstrated seriousness and responses to the management and treatment of case-patients and related issues. But this is grossly inadequate given the overwhelming and multi-dimensional factors associated with the management of the crisis and low support from the federal government. Some of these are:

I. Shortage of food and hunger for the poor and even middle class
Ii. Insecurity has led to armed gangs terrorising the neighbourhoods
Iii.  Insufficient test kits and ventilators
Iv. Endangering the lives of health workers and their families
V. Nepotism and reckless looting of the palliative and cash transfer by the federal government.

The management of the pandemic by the federal government is no doubt a smoke screen. The success of the lock down if they are tangible has been quickly eroded by the mis-management of the palliative,  preferential cash transfer along ethnic dichotomy at the detriment of the southern states,  lackadaisical public health initiatives for looking inwards.  Our sister country Senegal,  has gone ahead to develop local testing kits and ventilators at extremely low costs.  For example,  the test kits is just at $1 while the ventilator goes for $60 compared to foreign price of $1,600.

The COSEG also noted that the federal government have failed in the management of the lockdown it imposed viewing from the late closure of our international borders and inadequate plan for the continuation of food production and distribution sector. This has led to extreme pressure and pain on the populace merely surviving on daily hustling before the pandemic, hence the rebellion we have seen in the streets and neighborhoods of Lagos and other cities.  The mass death in Kano and disregard for government directives in most states are good examples.

Expired Rice to South West States

The COSEG is particularly taken aback on the shameful act of distributing expired rice to the south west. 

Could this deliberate or Is it a grand plan to poison our people?

What reason would the federal government give for such acts?

How would the South West ever trust the safety of subsequent foods and pallative materials from the federal government ?

Elected and appointed Yoruba sons and daughters at the federal level have a duty and role to play for the welfare and safety of our people at this crisis period. The Yoruba people are watching the activities of these representatives and will take stock and appraisal at the appointed time.  

The possible extension of the lockdown is another matter that COSEG have deeply considered.

We are concerned that the rate at which the community transmission of the COVID-19 is spreading may necessitate a further extension of the lockdown. However, to avoid a total breakdown of law and order, to protect the gains already made in our collective sacrifice, the following should be done:

1. Surplus supply of food, water and electricity.
2. Adequate security in the streets and neighborhoods.
3. Other relief packages like utility bills waivers and deferment of cooperative loans payment.
4. Stimulus for farmers in food, livestock and fish production and distribution.
5. Mass distribution of personal protective materials to the populace and standard PPE for the medical workers who are the front liners in this phenomena battle for humanity.
6. Diversification of the monolithic economy to agrarian, knowledge-based economy ( KBE) and industrialised economy.
7. Starting up capitals for production and allied SMEs devoid of nepotism
8. Lagos State is obviously the most hit by the pandemic, the base of the Nations Economy how good will it be if Federal Government make further provision for the State.

The COSEG demands transparency in this campaign; we urge the Federal government to liaise with Human Rights groups, community based associations and anti corruption civil Society organizations to monitor and question how the palliatives are being managed.

The Nigeria project has failed. The Yoruba people can no longer subsume their destiny in a failed project of the 1914 ill-fated subjugation of our collective interests without our consent.

Nevertheless, COSEG has resolved to present the Yoruba quest for self governance before ECOWAS, AU,  UN and other international bodies should the official policy of  nepotism of the Unitary Government camouflaged as federal state persist. Because this policy which is not different from apartheid have continuously incapacitated our people; undermining our capabilities to provide for our needs.

Our Day Shall Come!


Comrade Rasaq Olokoba
Convener COSEG.

Comrade Akin Abosanyin
Secretary General

Wale Balogun
Political Secretary

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