Commercialization of Christianity in Nigeria and the Sins of Prophet TB Joshua

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The topic at stake is too sensitive because I rarely write or comment on any religious debate perhaps because of my perception about Christianity and Islam as practiced in Nigeria – these religion are not indigenous to Africans – yet it would continue to stir unnecessary arguments at intervals because it is difficult to understand a document which is alien to a particular race, sect or people. The two Holy Books (Bible and Quran) are perfect guides especially as it concerns our faith. However, any argument without allusions to the Holy Books has condescended to become a personal template, twist of clueless ideology or better still an attempt to becloud the gullible minded.

Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua popularly known as T.B Joshua is the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nation (SCOAN). All through his life and times on earth, I never had the opportunity of meeting the International Preacher in person but at intervals, I tuned to Emmanuel TV, the official channel of the Church on DSTV and followed his preachings and deliverance programme. Unlike his Nigerian contemporaries, Joshua’s teaching(s) were immaculately anchored on spiritual growth and lessons of eternity. T.B Joshua was never – for once – caught on camera criticizing any “Man of God” but in sharp contrast to his sincerity of purpose, he was and he is still tongue lashed by many of his colleagues on the altar. Unfortunately, these merchants of the scriptures are still pursuing his ghost, even in death.

Now, let us dissect the sins of T.B Joshua because no man is a Saint except he is canonized:

For me, T.B Joshua has fulfilled the scripture which aptly captures the reality of hatred and spiritual witch-hunting, by the narrations of “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown – Luke: 4:24 (NIV).

The first sin of T.B Joshua is the fact that his teachings does not conform to the present day brochure of the commercialization of Christianity in the most populous Black nation. In case you are not aware, Nigerians are rated amongst the most religious people in the world but it is just a peripheral assessment because the true reflections of this rating is not glaring in every sense of critical assessments. One would wonder why the level of religious allegiance in Nigeria has not quenched the ugliest trend of corruption, nepotism, bigotry, interpersonal racism, genocide, political assassination, insurgency, kidnappings and banditry. Who is deceiving who?

Let us not deviate from the subject matter. Prophet T.B Joshua unlike other General Overseers (Daddy G.O) lived for the people; instead of amassing wealth for himself and family. Joshua contributed his God given quota by donating massively into charitable undertakings; frequently donating to countries that suffered the aftermaths of war or natural disasters. It is also a testimony of deeds that the philanthropic gestures of T.B Joshua cut across borders yet it was not in favour of any particular religion. It was all encompassing. Everybody was a beneficiary irrespective of religious affiliation!

Secondly, Joshua’s teaching did not dwell on tithe and church offerings. Rather, he committed all donations earned by SCOAN to the betterments of the poor and the downtrodden people in the society. This act of love and benevolence created many enemies – known and unknown – for the Prophet especially in the Nigerian tangle of Christendom because he refused to follow the bandwagon of deceptive twisters of the gospel who are shamefully bent on exploiting the masses at the detriment of their weak belief systems. For T.B Joshua, Christianity should not deviate from the way and manner it was showcased by his mentor – Jesus Christ – as clearly captured in the Holy Bible. Joshua preached the gospel according to the biblical activities of Jesus, “the holy Child of God” who freely gave to the people and the society all through his 33 years sojourn on earth. Jesus did not extort his followers for personal gains. The biblical story of Jesus Christ depicted selflessness and uncommon sacrifice from the beginning till the end.


It is a clear attestation of facts that Prophet T.B Joshua emulated the teachings and lifestyles of Jesus Christ until he breathed his last. Joshua was rejected, humiliated, betrayed and insulted by renowned preachers of the Gospel only in Nigeria. In other African countries and Europe, the Prophet was accorded maximum respect because he was doing the unimaginable on the altar and more importantly, on the streets – he committed all resources in his coffers to better humanity and vehemently refused to extort his followers. To this end, the lifestyle of Prophet T.B Joshua has continued to breed a backlog of spiritual threats in the circle of his critics even though he has transited to eternal glory. Remember, his church was (is) not recognized by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) for reasons best known to the umbrella body of the believers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in Nigeria.

I was not amazed by a recent documentary trended by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) featuring series of allegations levelled against T.B Joshua. One particular factor remains constant, these allegations are not new but on the whole, it calls for sober reflections inclusive of mind boggling posers:

Why is T.B Joshua often seen as a threat amongst the merchants of Christianity in Nigeria?

Are the fighters of T.B Joshua still fighting his ghosts even in death?

What are the sins of T.B Joshua that is still hunting his ghost?

Can we compare and contrast the lifestyle of Prophet Joshua to some General Overseers who are still living in Nigeria doing the contrary and at the same time remixing the gospel in furtherance of personal enterprise?

Who are the masquerades fighting in vain to dim the light of a true preacher of the word even in death?

Why are the so-called General Overseers finding it difficult to give back to the society they are exploiting yet continue to call T.B Joshua all sort of names?

The world can not be deceived into believing the cheap lies and childish propaganda targeted at Joshua. Moreover, he has done his part and at the appropriate time he was called by his creator to return home and rest. It is now a bigger task for his critics and detractors to prove their points by completely nailing him or asking God for forgiveness if at all the masterminds of these unfathomable allegations are willing to repent.

Until we meet on the resurrection morning, let it be stated clearly that Prophet T.B Joshua has set a pace in 21st century Christendom by living the faith instead of exploiting the believers who are yet to know their fate. The role he played through his exemplary outings of generosity thereby correcting the ills of the merchants of Christianity in Nigeria will continue to terrorize their merchandise and business conglomerates until thy kingdom come except they turn a new leaf by keeping sealed lips especially with intents of observing table manners in their bid to consolidate their exploits.

Sleep well Prophet TB Joshua, your type is rare!

– Jerry Ochada writes from Abuja.

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