Chief Obafemi Awolowo: The Legacy That Never Dies 32 Years After

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“The legacy of heroes is the memory of a great name and the inheritance of a great example —Benjamin Disraeli.

It is fitting for me to join the Late Chief Obafemi Awolowo political associates, living or dead, his family, friends and the Yoruba Nation at large to celebrate the legacy of the late sage that never dies, even 32 years after.

No doubt the Asiwaju of Remo, the best President Nigeria never had remains a hero who gave his all, to see a better and prosperous Nigeria.
Your march through prison for trump up charges and subsequent withdrawal of those charges were eloquent testimonies of your greatness, yet Nigeria and Nigerians failed to adhere to your voice of reason, courage and wisdom for the creation of the People’s Republic built on egalitarianism with a better life for all.

It is sad that 32 years after we are still in search of a Path To Nigeria Freedom, no wonder the Problems With Africa today are more worrisome, Even The Travails of Democracy and the Rule of Law are a matter of one step forward and several steps backward, we do hope that your thoughts on the Nigerian constitution will be put to use, so that Nigeria can be set on the Path To Greatness. I have no doubt that your (My Early Life) story was an inspiration to me and the generation yet unborn.

For us in the Unity Party Of Nigeria U.P.N, the only party with a rooted ideology that is built on the welfare of the people and considers the people’s first, we remember you today and forever. We are confident that you have written your name on the sand of time and your legacies remain evergreen.

We will continue to advocate for your kind of visionary leadership as a panacea for rapid growth and development.

Thank you for your good work.

Do extend our highest regards to your dear, adorable wife and jewel of inestimable Chief Mrs. Hannah Awolowo.

Continue to rest in peace, in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Adieu, Chief Obafemi Awolowo!
May God continue to bless the dead!
May God bless the Obafemi Awolowo Dynasty!!
May God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!!

– Comrade Oluwaloseyi Solomon Babaeko
U.P.N Candidate for the Kogi State House of Assembly, Kabba/Bunu Constituency.

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