Celebrating an Apostle of Humility; Kabir Ajanah, Madaki of Ebiraland

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This is whishinh an Apostle of Humility, a living hero and leader per excellence, Hon(Alh) Muhammed Kabir Ajanah. the Madaki of Ebiraland, happy birthday.

A good leader is royal in the heart of the people he is leading. He is a crown to the society, and pride to the community where he leads. He is called a L.I.F.E because he Leads In Full Effect.

Today, I celebrate my brother, my leader, my benefactor and more.

Having you in my life has been a tremendous experience, through thick and thin you have always been there to provide your support.

The merit of having a great leader is endless. Behind every successful man, there isn’t just a leader but a destiny helper.

Your birthday celebration is an example that inspires me to rededicate my life to what is noble, to what is true and to what is ethical— to what makes for the building of a fair and just career. You remain a sentinel for humility; you ranks very high and, indeed, one of the greatest in modern time. You stood for the tradition which sees humility as embodying the highest ideals of civilisation and ethical responsibility.

You believe in the old and time tested values; you stood by the courage of your conviction in all your dealings …….As you enter into another pages of life today, I pray that the grace you require to achieve your heart desires throughout your life sojourn is yours in Jesus mighty name…..Amen

Thank you for your love, care, contribution, assistance and every other great thing you do which are too many to mention.

May God bless you with many goodies of life.

Daaudu sir,
Ozi ọkuruku tuoze t’ozi Anugwẹ
Ozi ọtupa turi irehu di irehu atinọ yaara

– Samuel Amoto Tino

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