Causes of Unemployment and Feasible Solutions on How Education’s Lost Value Can Be Regained

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It is so obvious and feasibly glaring that education value in our dear country has fall drastically. Education has lost its reputation and values. People are no longer being favored in the labor market because education has looses its value.

I looked into the history of education after Nigeria got independent in the years 1960-1980. I was touched when I realized education value then was just like the value people gives to money. During these years, Education benefits were countless in humans life. These were the periods where a Graduate of any institutions was entrusted on, both in character and learning. It is no longer a news that the then graduates benefited from education value through employment, appointment, change agent and so on.
In lieu of these above statement, people’s mentality dwells on; It was because they were no much attraction on education, some says; it was because of the low statistics of graduates. Well said and fine but these excuses amount in giving a feasible comparison of Lagos state and other states.
Nowadays, people contemplates much on the development of Lagos state compared to other states in the country. Few days back, I was watching TVC station at night on the topic “Upon the hardship and economic recession in the year 2016, Lagos state makes Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) of about 312billion naira. I was so much interested in the topic and thought on seeing different perceptions, perspectives on that. One thing that has been dwelling in people’s mind have been the issue of populace, Saying Lagos state has about 10million population
density but they never think of their visionary leaders that have laid foundation on the development of the state. I won’t lay emphasis on this that much to avoid diversion.
This feasible comparison above is to as well say the then Nigerian graduates aren’t favored in the labour market base on low statistic.
These are the reasons why education has lost its values and the possible solutions to amend the issues.
1. Tertiary Institutions lecturers; The thenĀ  Nigerian and aliens lecturers were well educated, wise, well equipped and they were spies against Examination malpractice.
These days, about 70% of Nigerian lecturers are being fooled and indoctrinated with the ideology of encouraging students on examination malpractice known as “you pay, you pass” Nigeria corruption not only limit itself to politicians but as well as others engaging themselves in a close-eye attitude. To curb corruption and bring back education’s value, this issue needed to be address on.
2. Parents factors; every parents wants their children go to school but they never go with the idea of encouraging students in Learning hand made jobs. This factor is really affecting dull students in compelling them to pay lecturers to have them passes their exams. Specially for the less privileged students, one thing Our parents have fails to realize is that we were born with different aims and objective. Not everyone will be a medical practitioner, accountant and other professionals but every parents wishes their children’s to becomes doctors, lawyers failing to realize not everyone are blessed with same brain capacity. Children should decides not parents enforcing them….This can easily bring back education’s value if addressed to.
3. Entrepreneurship should be emphasize on. Lecturers should teaches about 80% practical issues and 20% of theories that are more applicable to real life situation not teaching something irrelevant and not applicable with real life situation. With this, Students will be more creative and know how to survive independently. Also, University should not encourage job search over creativity, students should be given opportunity to go into business while still in school.
4. The Less potential students: This is one of the factor serving as hindrance on unemployment of graduates. The minister of education should ensure series of screening are done to ensure the right one are chosen over the wrong. Making series of screening exercise base on interactive like it is now in several institutions. It’s one of the best way to curb irregularities hindering the unemployment factors in the country. The Schools should ensure the interviewers are people of impeccable character, unquestionable integrity, strict and not bias but deal much on objectivity.
Students should also be asked thorough questions to ensure they are capable to work and represent their
country in the larger world. Testing their intelligence is one of the fast way of curbing irregularities.
If these above factors are adhered to and consider as measures, education will eventually regained its values.
By a Concerned Nigerian student.
– Saliu Oluwatosin

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