Beyond Onnoghen

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It is no surprise the manner at which Gen. Muhammadu Buhari has been governing Nigeria with Anthony Joshua’s fist. What we are experiencing today is what I refer to as “second phase” of Buhari’s tragic rule in Nigeria.

His undemocratic modus operandi was the major factor that resulted to public outcry which subsequently truncated his military regime. As a democratically elected president, the General has flagrantly violated the principles of the rule of law and the Nigerian constitution as a result of his highhanded, arrogance and dictatorial modus vivendi. 

Gen. Buhari’s administration has since its inception, rendered the rule of law useless, little wonder he pronounced “national security superior to the rule of law,” having illegally detained persons of different political parties, defied court orders and ordered attack on the houses of judges. 

Recently, one would be surprised at the rocket-speed at which the democratic dictatorial General who is notorious for conspicuous defying court orders could suddenly obey the code of conduct tribunal’s order to suspend the judicial chief whom he viewed as a threat to his reelection bid.

No wonder he was reluctant about his nomination, I suppose something is fishy. 

The allegations against Walter Onnoghen cannot be sidelined nor should it be handled with levity as it poses a great evil to the nation and a great disrepute to his personality and as a minister in the temple of justice and as the chief interpreter/custodian of the constitution. But it is an heinous action on the part of the dictatorial General who swayed away from due and laid down procedures by neglecting the constitutional provision “two third majority” of the Senate in removing the CJN. 

This undemocratic decision has so far caused unease, confusion, chaos and high tension in the polity and a he emergence of emergency lawyers. Not observing due protocols, claiming he acted based on the order of the CCT whose chairman is standing trial for bribery and extortion, of which the CCT is subject to the constitution which clearly stated clearly that the Nigerian judicial council’s recommendation or two third of the Senate majority will be instrumental in the removal process of the CJN. 

Buhari has placed himself higher above the constitution, an act which should not be allowed to persist, else, the emergence of anarchy. 

The issue at hand is beyond Onnoghen and politics as usual but the defense and supremacy of the constitution and the preservation of our democracy and its processes. Let’s uphold our rule of law. Due processes is the perfect action to achieve justice. 

– Adeyemi Babarinde Sunday writes from Odo Ere. 

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