Between Arrogant Edward Onoja and Humble Benjamin Ikani Okolo: The Difference is Clear

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Disappointedly, I will begin by saying that it is not in my nature to indulge in such dishonoring talks and issues that question my level of maturity and compels my readers to wonder how much common sense I have inside of me. 

But how ever in such an awkward situation, certain awkward decisions can not be resisted, thus I accept to whole heartily fall for this temptation of reacting to the several questions and comparison raised on the social media battle of words between member House of Representatives, Hon Benjamin Ikani Okolo and the chief of staff to Kogi state governor, Edward Onoja.

Basically because it tempers with first the foundation of the entire Igalà race, secondly because it affirms the several suspicions that has estrange the polity of our tribe, our constituency, Kogi East and Kogi state at large, thirdly because it raises some sort of dissatisfaction as to what leadership style, leadership powers and leadership systems has become in Kogi state, fourthly because it has unveil the clear fact that Kogi East (if not the whole of the state) is a voyage already heading for doom and lastly because it has struck us one more time again,that our long silence as a people and as a constituency has made those who have hijacked power for themselves to gradually take the place of god in the affairs of the state.

Right before our very eyes, Kogi state has become a state that can only accommodate those who worship the chief of staff, as if that is not enough political position, political recognition, political relevance, political victory, political influence, political rallies, political mandates, political meetings, political aspirations, political ambitions, political conventions, political parties, political stakeholders and every single political and electoral processes within the purview of Kogi state now depends on the direct and indirect approval of the sate chief of staff, Edward Onoja. 

How did it get this bad?

As if that was also not worse enough the chief of staff who now has more power than the present governor has been on an insulting spree off and on social media. 

Insulting who ever he comes across, from former governors to former senators, from former political leaders to present political leaders, from one stake holder to another, from one elder to another, accusing them of all sorts of inhuman accusations, name calling, blackmailing, threatening every body with death, arrest or midnight raid and bandit as the case has already become. 

Personally, I would want to make a list of all those who he has being attacking on social media, but time will not permit me.

However, I will put it here that there is no single stalk holder that the chief of staff has beating in the course of his insanity that has not done more to the Igalà nation than he will ever do. 

Hon Benjamin Ikani Okolo who was his last victim yesterday has done excessively well as a person and a politician than he(Edward Onoja) has ever attempted in his widest imagination. 

In case the insane chief of staff is not aware, Hon Benjamin ikani Okolo began first as a polling unit head, and while in this office he ensure that policies made and the dividends of such policies gets across to every one under this unit. 

He later became a Clark in Dekina local government where he performed above board and gained great recognition.

After which he became the local government chairman, a position that Hon Benjamin Ikani Okolo used so resourcefully to bring Dekina local government to where it is today. 

I dare to say that in the history of the north central there is no single local government chairman, both past and present that can beat the development strides Hon Benjamin ikani Okolo registered in his three years as chairman of Dekina local government.

I also dare to say that if all achievements of the sole called local government administrators appointed by the chief of staff through the puppet governor are summed up together can not match up what Hon Benjamin Ikani Okolo registered in his three years in office as the chairman of Dekina local government.

Aside this development strides, this distinguish Hon as  a seating chairman was the first chairman who began the disarming of thugs in the local government, he singlehandedly led the local to achieving this and instigated other local governments to embrace it. 

These even endeared him the more to the people,and when the needed some one to represent them at national level they quickly beckoned on their son to go over there and do that which he alone knows how to do. 

Upon reaching the green chambers Hon Benjamin Ikani Okolo continued his development strides from one community to another and even as at time of writing several of his projects are being completed on a daily basis.

Let us now look at the chief of staff who has godify himself and evaluate his achievements in Kogi politics. 

First he began with a barbing saloon and can’t manage, he failed, secondly as a banker, and was known for giving out loans with out following the banking requirements and also getting kick backs from those he gives loans to, this led to his early dismissal from the banking sector. Let me be kind and not call this failure but an oversight which could have been averted if more care was taking.

As a banker Edward Onoja never employed any Kogite, nor did he influence any employment for any one. 

Then he dabbled into politics and contested for a state House of Assembly member which he failed twice, the question you will ask was why his first and immediate constituency never saw reasons to support him to represent them. 

If he was impact-ful like Hon Benjamin ikani Okolo, if he had at any point contributed to the growth and development of the people, if he had at any pointed supported policies and initiatives that would have better the lives of the people, if at any point he has substantially contributed in kind and financially to the growth of his immediate constituency, I am sure he would have been given a chance to represent the people when he contest the second time. 

On what grounds can such an individual compare himself to an individual whose antecedents gave him the strong support of the people. 

It will also interest my readers to know that Edward Onoja did not become the chief of staff based on merit but base on the several loans he gave the present governor against the requirements of the commercial bank where he was working. 

So in return the governor compensated him with appointment which is the worst mistake he has ever done.

While as the chief of staff, Edward Onoja instigated the Kogi civil servant screening that led to the death of about 1500 persons in the state, about 4500 civil servants in the state were sacked in the same screening and about 2700 qualified pensioners in the state have not been paid a kobo till date, of which out of all this figures people from Kogi east especially the Igàlas are the most affected. 

As if that was not enough the already, the godified chief of staff has been behind the refusal and delay of salary payment in the state,he has permanently ensure that all funds for arias  and benefits across the state are diverted. 

Education funds,funds for ministry developments,tax and every single kobo that finds its way to Kogi state are diverted by the chief of staff alone or with his boss using those who he has placed in office to help ensure a smooth diversion of this funds.

Other heart breaking atrocities of this thou art holy chief of staff includes the mitigation and even killing of Who ever dares to call the attention of the world to any of this. 

Some of his victims includes lecturers, state House of Assembly members, senators and social media crusaders (names with held for security reasons). Even as at the time of writing some still have pending court case with him. 

This same chief of staff who has been using his office to cajole young girls and married women into sleeping with him in hotels,that is if we are to go with what carton boy one of his errand boy who fell of with him has been sharing since their break away. 

I wouldn’t want to go fetish but how ever it is also important to add here that the same chief of staff has gather all available ritualists, soothsayers and diviners in his house conducting blood rituals and enchantment for him on daily base.

Which do we say and which do we even leave?

From this little can we now see that the difference between the humble and God-fearing Hon Benjamin Ikani Okolo who is a devoted Christian and a member of the popular liberation church of Nigeria and an arrogant, abusive, heartless Edward Onoja are very very clear.

Our fear is no longer about the bedevilling nature of Edward Onoja the chief of staff, or the inhumanity that he and his boss the governor calls governance. Our fear is now the safety of our people. Our fear is now the out come of the so many threats he has put across to Hon Benjamin ikani Okolo and few others who have refused to worship him, are they going to end up like Abdullahi, Achimi and many others who have lost their lives after such threat. Or. are they going to end up like Hon Makama who he has forced out of the Kogi State House Assembly, or will police also lay siege at the front of their house just as they did to Sen. Dino Melaye or are they going be served a court summon like Austin Usman Okai was served after such threat. 

What ever happens, Edward Onoja should always remember that the course of the Igala tribe is far bigger than him. He should be aware that our destiny as a people is bigger than what ever dictatorship he wields today. We are a tribe bound by a common sense which is more than what ever oligarchy he creates and leads, and if this land was ours before his forebears were conceived, if this tribe was built before his linage then his endless effort to rub us, and deprive us of what is rightly ours because of loyalty and selfish interest will surely bring him doom. 

On behalf of my self and the entire good people of Kogi East, we sincerely apologize to Hon Benjamin Ikani Okolo for every single insult Edward Onoja lavished on him. Indeed, we are waiting to see where the child that always insult Elders will get a cap to wear in the long run.

God bless Kogi East. God bless Kogi state.

– Joshua Itodo

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