Arewa Okun Kemisola’s Bring Back Our Girls Plea

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Precisely On the 14th-15th of april 2014 a group of militants attacked and abduct the government girls secondary school in Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria. were over 200 school girls were abducted, the kidnappings were claimed by boko haram an islamic jihadist and Takfiri terrorist organisaton based in north east Nigeria.

The insurgency have been on for quite a while now, where we see and hear places like social or religious gathering been exploded with bomb especially in the northern areas like Borno, kano, Abuja and Jos just to mention a few. And the government have been trying to eradicate this deadly act by the militants called Boko haram, some of them was when the federal government declared a state of emergency in 2013 in Borno state in the fight against the insurgency, the resulting crackdown has led to the capture or killing of hundreds of Boko haram members. And now the retaliation started and one of them is the abducted chibok school girls.

The one that really got I Arewa Okun Kemisola Adeyanju thinking and beats me hollow is the over 200 chibok school girls missing in Borno. According to the police approximately 276 children within the age of 15-17 were taken I the attack of which 53 had escaped as of 2nd of may. I am a lady an aspiring mother to be, I know the pain and agony that the mothers of this kids in the konduga area of the Sambisa forest feel. I have a mother and and I know how discomfort she would be seeing her daughter missing fo just 24 hours not to talk of over 50 days (come on). This are our future wife, doctors, enginners, lawyers, Activists name it all.

But I just cant imagine how will a country like Nigeria that laws governing it be missing a whole amount of kids in that huge  numbers and yet nothing is been done.

I, Kemisola just can’t help but think how this kids are faring where they are, some reports says they are in Chad or Cameroon, some says they are in a forest called the sambisa forest, some of the kids were said to have escaped, by jumping out of the truck, some hid in the bushes or clung to tree branches. A whole lot of reports that we can’t fathom how true they are. The federal government have tried what I termed their best are not good enough. By giving them amnesty even inviting US army but all was to no avail.

Some weeks ago the boko haram leader in person of Abubakar Shekau released a video of himself saying he was sent by Allah, he believed girls should not be educated, other than to be used as cooks and sex slaves, (Dammit at this 21st century) some days later he released the video of the chibok girls in the so called forest all in hijab reciting Quranic intonations, of which so many people doubted if they are the one or not, not until they are parents and the governor of Borno state came out to say they can identify 53 of the children from that video.

Now the question is where and who will #BringBackOurGirls chief of defence says “we have information on chibok Girls”. “Chibok Elders displeased with preseidential Committee” “Ondo Teachers Protest chibok Girls” Gun men killed students of OAU protesting to #BringBackOurGirls “CDS says we have located Chibok School Girls” reverend Ibikunle “set chibok girls free” namadi sambo says “government will rescue chibok girls alive” “girls sighted in Chad” father of kidnapp girls dies of heart attack. This and many more headlines when I read them really got me thinking and worried.

Now its May 27 set aside to celebrate the children’s Day, where parents celebrates their child(ren) how will this parents that their children where abducted feel? They ought to be with them cook good food for them, eat and give them good treat, pray for their future to be better but instead they are no where to be found. They sent them to school to better their future but instead they were abducted.

I, Kemisola wish I can storm the Sambisa forest to #BringBackOurGirls cause that’s not where they belong, I therefore urge, plea and admonish the president, senate, governors, politicians, Human right activist, US Army and all other important personalities to please not to only join the #BringBackOurGirls campaing or rally but to do all they can to make sure our chibok school girls is been taken back to their respective parents NOW and ALIVE. #ArewaOkun Kemisola says #BringBackOurGirls

It would be recalled that Arewa Okun, Kemisola Adeyanju was crowned as the Miss Arewa Okun of Kogi state for the yoruba speaking part which are been called the okun’s Arewa is beauty while the okun is the yoruba speaking part of Kogi state.

From the office of
Miss Arewa okun
Kemisola Alice Adeyanju

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