Appeal for Scholarship: Okun Students Write Gov. Yahaya Bello

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Your Excellency Sir,

It is with a mind of assurance and confidence that I, on behalf of all Okun Students being the apex student’s umbrella in Kogi West Senatorial District of Kogi State, write to you on the need for one of our students Comrade Adekunle Shola Emmanuel with the Matriculation Number U14CL2005 to be offered Scholarship into the Nigerian Law School as he has successfully made us (Okun students) and the state proud by graduating with a CGPA of 4.22 from the faculty of law of the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, your Alma mater.

Your Excellency Sir, this letter would not have been necessarily written to you if only the registration deadline for this intelligent and highly vibrant Kogi indigene is not extremely close at hand as it is now; 31st of December, 2018.

Sir, it will surprise you to know that as the President of National Association of Okun Students, I have openly written numerous appeals not just to individuals but to political leaders who hails from both Okun land ( Kogi West ), and the state in general but up till this moment we are not sure of seeing any light of hope to chase away the darkness covering this Comrade’s dreams. (No helping hands is forthcoming so far).

Your Excellency sir, just as one who have always shown confidence and believe in your administrative style especially in the area of prioritising student’s welfare, I have never doubted your capacity In ensuring that Kogi State Students are given the best academic treatment anywhere in the world.

Sir, it will please you to note that Okun Students have been standing tall for you at every point where it becomes necessary as we have seen your level of interest in anything that concerns students. This is not distanced from how you have extended your hands of inclusiveness of Students via the 300% increments of our bursary, donation of Sharon Buses to the Major National Student’s Tribal Associations in Kogi State; Okun, Ebira and Igala Students for the Western, Central and  Eastern Senatorial Districts Respectively in the state.

Permit me to also show appreciation for singlehandedly through your Chief of Staff Edward Onoja, taking care of the Medical Bills of one of Kogi Students who would have had her legs amputated having sustained a brutal accident immediately after her final year examinations from the Department of Sociology, Kogi State University on the 17th of March, 2018. This was a listening ear’s privilege you gave to me when I called on your attention through your ever available Chief of Staff. Today she is enjoying a sound health condition without any amputation.

Sir, you have always listened to our plights and that is why we are tabling before you this very urgent issue seeking for immediate attention.

We would have come to seeing you directly but you will agree with us that your tight schedules and further bureaucratic process will only delay us from beating the deadline for this young man’s registration into the Nigerian Law School.

Your Excellency Sir, the implications of this Comrade being deprived of this admission on the ground of lack of financial help even with his excellent result from the Almighty ABU, Zaria, is not far from the one that will convey more disappointments and frustrations tantamount to discouraging other students even with lesser performances.

Sir, available here are attachments of his evidence of admission and results. We plead that this our brother, your own Constituent is attended to in order for him to meet up with the registration into the Nigerian Law School before 31st of December, 2018.

The amount needed for this registration is ” TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY SIX THOUSAND NAIRA ONLY” #296,000.00. Although other logistics can be necessary but our priority at this stage is his registration.

Name : Adekunle Emmanuel Shola. 
Nigerian Law School Council of Legal Education.

31st December 2018 is the deadline else he will lose the admission. 
The need for the provision of his RRR number is to proof his inability to make payment and for payments to be made as well on his behalf and the payment pin be sent to him for immediate actions towards resumption into the Nigerian Law School by January 2019. 

Your Excellency Sir, while we show a high level of anticipation in your response that we believe will always be as swift as possible for good, we assure you of our unalloyed supports and cooperation at any point in time. Putting at heart that this request of ours will not only put smiles on the face of Adekunle Emmanuel Shola a native of Kabba-Bunu State Constituency but it will further proof to all Nigerian Students that we have a governor who is very much concerned in the welfare of Kogi State Students.

Yours Faithfully,

– Jacob Abraham Damilare
National President, National Association of Okun Students (NAOS NATIONAL). 08162089207 Calls Only
0817 674 8114 WhatsApp Only

Aluta Continua!Victoria Acerta!
An injury for one is injury to All

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