‘Any Abuse on Woman is an Abuse on Humanity’ – Dr Bolarin

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Kogi State Coordinating Office of Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support Project (L-PRES) has trained its staff on Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment as well as Gender Based Violence (GBV).

The training, which is for the staff of the Project Implementation Unit of Kogi L-PRES, features a demonstration and the commitment of the project in carrying women along in the implementation process of the project.

The State Project Coordinator L-PRES, Dr. Olufemi Bolarin, while declaring the ceremony open, said the training was in line with the World Bank norms and values of equal rights, opportunities, non-discrimination and fair play to all.

Dr. Bolarin stated that any abuse on woman is an abuse on humanity and stressed the need for collaborative effort to tackle Gender Based Violence.

According to him, the role of women in nation-building and socioeconomic development can not be overemphasized, hence the need to carry them along in the plan to boost livestock production in the State.

He also stated that women are critical stakeholders in livestock business, urging Kogi women to embrace the project to enhance food security in the country and the State in particular.

In her remarks, the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Hajiya Lami Zaratu Lawal, commended Kogi L-PRES for the proactive steps taken to implement the Project in the State.

On her part, the National Gender Based Specialist of L-PRES, Mariam Ademu said World Bank has zero tolerance for gender Based Violence, saying the training was to equip the Project Implementation Unit with the challenge of gender inequality.

In her presentation, the Executive Director, Challenged Parenthood Initiative (CPI), Ms. Eunice Agbogun said lack of access to land, cultural norms and social barriers among others are inimical to women participation in livestock farming.

She added that empowering of women is key to reducing gender based violence in Nigeria.

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