Ankpa Federal Constituency Is On A Walk To Stardom With Hon Halims

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“Knowing what you want as a leaders is always the pathway to accomplishment.”

The serving member representing Ankpa, Omala and Olamaboro federal Constituency at the Federal House of Representatives, Hon Abdullahi Ibrahim Halims is without any ambiguity on the path of glory with his recent and ongoing efforts which so far reveals how open minded he intends to run his stewardship.

He has created a pathway for the world and indeed every patriotic constituent and people of Goodwill in Ankpa, Omala and Olamaboro local government areas to come forward and offer their wisdom, ideas and knowledge on how best to move the Constituency forward, in terms of development economic growth.

To either pretend or admit not to know a thing is the beginning of wisdom while to have the courage and sacrificial intent to openly seek people’s contribution in any mission is the strongest willingness to push for a collective greater height. No one of course has the monopoly of knowledge and He, Hon Halims has proved to the world that his stewardship is an all inclusive one.

One may at this point wonder, that to what extent has Hon Halims personified the foregoing and the answer is not far fetched.

Recall, that in Mid-October, 2019, Hon Halims during the commissioning of his lead Constituency office at Ankpa, appointed over seventy aides across the thirty four electoral wards of Ankpa, Omala and Olamaboro federal Constituency. Saddled with the responsibility of bringing and taking feedback between Hon Abdullahi Ibrahim Halims and the constituents, they since got to work and the feedback mechanism has not only made the task easy but birthed a new course for the human and infrastructure development of the three local governments under Hon Halims’ jurisprudence.

Everyone wishes to excel and the absolute possibility of breakthrough is always born when a greater world of shows up from several communities through the idea of different personalities pushing for a common goal – better and greater Ankpa, Omala and Olamaboro federal Constituency.

Beyond those saddled with the responsibility of grassroots liaison, Hon Halims has openly sought from all what we have to let go, and what we have to grab to maximize our human and natural potentials. Hon Halims is not asking for too much; He seeks cooperation, he wants us to jettison hate and play more of developmental politics which at the long run, will benefit to all.

That is his commitment and I am standing on his authority to say he wants to succeed, he wants to have a noble tenure and he wants to end like every great achiever who is remembered by a diligent rule.

Therefore, the willingness to change the narrative of Ankpa, Omala and Olamaboro federal Constituency to a leading model in the state begins with a collective will power. We want to be great, we want to be admirable, we want to be at the forefront of Goodwill and we want to lead for others to follow; It is clear that  we have an effective and hard working member and someone who sees collective responsibility as the only way to lead us to the glorious end we envisage.

It is interesting to note that a substantial proportion of the recommendations that shall be made by people of Goodwill across the Constituency shall be adopted and given due attention.

Take it from me, Ankpa Federal Constituency Is On A Walk To Stardom With Hon Halims.

– Hon Halims Creed

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