An Award of Excellence on Director General of NASRDA: A Well Deserved Honour

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To many Nigerians, to say they were touched by the sincere devotion of Dr. Halilu Ahmad Shaba to the Nigerian cause does not sufficiently express their gratitude. This award of excellence for his exceptional leadership qualities, to many is the answer. Many see this as a reward for a patriotic selfless service to his fatherland which is well deserved.

A man whose magnanimity and selfless service to humanity as a succour provider has endeared him to the hearts of many, yet he is still working assiduously hard because his personality and leadership has become a source of inspiration to many youths who are today looking for role models that would inspire them to light their generation with the talents that are inherent in them. Indeed he needs to be honoured.

The space exploration agency of our country and indeed Africa is blessed with a real gem in the person of Dr. Halilu Shaba for the exceptional ways in which he has transformed NASRDA into the finest space exploration and development agency that it is been known for today and this award of excellence is indeed the needed tonic and impetus he needs as a driving vitality to systematically excel more.

This award today epitomised once again that their is no hiding place for a performing leadership because he would definitely be recognised and reward and we commend the organizers of this historic award for the recognition of the ideal recipient, Dr. Halilu Ahmad Shaba.

The man bestowed with this award is no mean personality, a man whose actions and inactions as the director-general of the National Space Research and Development Agency, NASRDA, has deliberately falls within the purview of the civil service rules and constitutional roles, deserves this award for being a role model also to heads of agencies in Nigeria.

Since his appointment, he has not only carved a niche for himself in the area of science but also in the hearts of many. He has implemented policies which has made NASRDA one of the best run and managed agencies of government in Nigeria. This indeed is a sign of the great integrity quotient he brought to bear in the performance of his duty. No wonder, NASRDA is working to the glory of God.

We are proud of Dr. Halilu Shaba, as a man without opportunistic tendencies, he has never tried to undermine human intelligence and merits but instead he has consistently fought against the menace of job racketeering which he sees as one of the ongoing maladies of NASRDA as an agency. The practice which undermine human intelligence and merits not watered down national standard for employments as a way of gaining cheap credit or acceptability amongst Nigerians is not his major pre-occupation but for national progress and developmental needs we need to discard the recourse to racketeering and that is his concern.

Today, through the reforms articulated and implemented by the director-general, Dr. Halilu Shaba at NASRDA, he has changed the narratives that has instantly been the waterloo of his agency, that you would not get employed into that agency prior to his appointment without knowing anybody or get yourself into the hands of scams and get duped because of your avariciousness and that is what his reforms has stopped.

To his credit today, all Nigerians has equal opportunities when they had the requisite credentials and qualifications to be considered for employment and this is no mean achievements and that is why he deserved this award of excellence.
Dr. Halilu Shaba is an inspiration to the nation. He has inspired the nation with the excellent performance of the National space research and development agency as an agency of government.

What his life reveal is a fundamental truth and that is the fact that nations are ultimately successful when all of her citizens can reach their full potentials. Today, you have by this award proven that you are on the good road to achieving your full potentials for the glory of God and the development of thy fatherland.

This award on you have also shown Nigerians that the rights and voices of half of us cannot and will never be denied. We are now very sure you will continue to serve our nation with distinctions in the years to come. Without your great leadership of NASRDA which has touched many of us, we could not have made the progress or reached the prosperity we now enjoy through space exploration activities. Congratulations sir.

– Musa Wada writes from Abuja.

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