Alfa Tijani Writes Gov. Yahaya Bello; You Have Failed Woefully

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Your Excellency, Sir,
I am not in any way trying to challenge or disrespect your action, neither do I look for a cheap political recognition or popularity from you or any of your political appointees but rather just want to draw your attention inward on certain issues of common interest as a member and supporter of APC in Kogi  state, what is currently happening under your watch as the Chief Security Officer and an Executive Governor of Kogi State, and to contribute my quota as a patriotic citizen and as an ardent fan of APC in the last general elections.
We will be stupid to say we are going to continue with a party that has failed us for two years now because nothing has changed for the better. Security is down, education is down, health facilities. We are one of the worst places in the face of the earth. More women die here during child birth than in most other places of Nigeria. More children die here than in most other places of Nigeria. Peoples pension are being pocketed.
I am using this medium to call on your attention to transcend down to the grassroots and forget about the so-called sycophants, in order to control the security situation in our state. Presently, there is silent killings’ going on in our state from members of the various fraternities mostly on innocent souls. The victims of this crisis will feel unjust toward the government action if the perpetrators were not brought to justice. So, you should as a matter of urgency do everything possible to draw the attention of the youths on the importance of peace and make them realize the effect of what they are doing toward their future development.  Let everyone understand that, there is no monopoly of violence and there is no price for peace, and whatever peace & tranquility cannot bring to table, violence cannot and never make it happen.
I will like to call on your attention and without any contradiction that, but presently could not understand the political dynamics in the state you govern; either knowingly or unknowingly you have failed woefully in terms of management of various political interests through which Allah makes it possible for you to climb to the ladder of leadership.
Your Excellency, Sir, I will like to also remind you that the present APC-led government both at federal and state levels were elected not because of high profile politicking or economic base of the party but rather was a resolved and collective call for change by patriotic Nigerians through “Advocacy.” Today, APC governments both at federal and state levels have abandoned the advocates of change, who sacrifices everything, including their lives.
Amazingly, in my hometown, Igalamela LGA, some of the opportunists said working with the members of Audu Faleke political family is against the norms of the New Direction . Put this at your fingertips, these are people who stood firm for APC before, during and after the 2015 general election, with all needed resources from their little savings, energy and knowledge; others even lost their jobs for showing open support for change, but till today no consideration was attached or given to their sacrifices.
Sir, in every circumstance there must be reward for loyalty, including politics. Do you think those advocates will just fold their arms watching APC government(s) considering people that didn’t add any value to the party during electioneering campaign being appointed into government? Do you think it is proper to only consider families & friends and those that have the needed cash to lobby for appointment/contracts as the change we voted and expected from you?
I doubt if there is enough reasons to convince the electorates to return you back to Sir Lugard House, come 2019, because the political sycophants surrounding you, coupled with your I-too-know attitude, has allowed factions/oppositions to deepen and as it’s obvious that APC has no strong opposition but the present factions/oppositions are and will be the greatest challenge of APC in Kogi state.
You undermine the intellectual capacity of the people that voted APC into office and instead decide to hire the services of others from outside the state/region. Political decision is always very difficult unless and until wisdom is carefully applied.
As at today, there are no categories of intellectuals/educational background you will not find it in the state. Then, why employing services of people that are far ahead of our people and from different regions to serve in your government, leaving behind people that use their all resources at hand to vote APC into office? Sir, I’m deeply pained  over the appointment of a Nollywood  actress, Mercy Johnson.
By this singular act of you, the quality of a leader needed to move the state forward is completely lacking, and you have failed the test of a leader that will defend political interest of his people on negotiation table with other components that make up Nigeria state.
As I move to re-unite my pen with it’s cover. Sir, courtesy demands preservations are done for the purpose of tomorrow, but when you leave it to shrink/destroyed definitely you will need such thing(s) no more. Always watch back and make critical analysis on merits and demerits of your political decisions; remember, APC was voted into office by same people you look as local supporters/inferior people, and your action is the same as a man, who looked at himself in a mirror but do not believe that he is the same person.
– Alfa Tijani is Nigerian social critic, human rights activist and writer.

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