Aguma of Bassa Adopts IBDI

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HRH, Chief William Jimba Keke, Aguma of Bassa and Chairman Bassa Traditional Council of Chiefs has adopted Igala – Bassa Development Initiative (IBDI) as the foremost developmental organization in Igala – Bassa.

The Aguma made the pronouncement when members of the Board of Trustees and other senior management staff of IBDI led by its Chairman, Board of Trustees, Major General J. A Ataguba (rtd) paid a courtesy visit to the Palace of Aguma on Thursday in Oguma, Bassa LGA of Kogi State.

The Aguma who was visibly elated by the vision and mission of IBDI, showered blessings on IBDI and prays for the fulfillment of IBDI’s mandate in Bassa LGA.

The Aguma commended the initiative and charged the Management and Members of IBDI to do all they can to bring positive development to Bassa LGA.

In his response, the Chairman, Board of Trustees unveiled the mission of IBDI to the Aguma of Bassa and assured the Aguma of the commitment of the Board, Management and Members of IBDI in bringing sustainable development to Bassa LGA by mobilizing resources for common actions to empower inhabitants thus providing opportunities for dignified lifestyle.

Igala – Bassa Development Initiative (IBDI) is a humanitarian, non – partisan and non-governmental registered organization, promoting integral development and sustainable peace.

IBDI works towards the social progress of communities living in poverty and social exclusion.

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