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Admission is currently on in Prime Polytechnic Jida Bassa. You can obtain form at the main campus along Ajaokuta road, Ajaokuta Local Government area of Kogi State.
Causes available at ND
Civil Engineering
Elect Elect
Computer engineering
Science lab Tech
Computer Science
Public Administration
Business Administration
Public Administration
Business Administration
Computer Science
Science Lab Tech
Civil Engineering
School Fees @ Prime Polytechnic is affordable. Per semester is #20,000. This is the lowest school fees paid in private Polytechnics in Nigeria and no hidden charges.
Prime Polytechnic is approved and accredited. The polytechnic has graduated 4 sets and now on the 5th. The Polytechnic hopefully will mobilize the first set of HND students in 2019 for NYSC.
Avail yourself this uncommon opportunity. Stop staying at home waiting and hoping to get admission in schools where competition impede your academic progress. Prime Polytechnic avail you better and quality academic opportunity With quality and experience academic Staff, you are sure to get the best as our graduated students are performing excellently in other polytechnic and Universities.
You can purchase your form for #5,000 at the main campus along Ajaokuta road Lokoja Kogi State.
email address. primepolytechnic@gmail.com
For more details call these numbers
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