Activism: How Unguided Writing Skills is Killing Kogi State

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Overtime, many political activists have used their precious and indelible inks to inform the general public comprehensively or  haphazardly about governmental policies and activities, either recounting objectively  government thread on the positive path of masses expectation or otherwise. 

Through this selfless individuals and their respective medium, information is disseminated to citizens on a probono to satisfy their  curiosity and feedback of their political employees, basically to determine if there is a deviation from the assumed workable state blueprint or there is a diligent application of the framework for the actualization of state objectives. In this daunting obligation of reporting, they are believed and perceived as the fourth estate of realm…the media. 

Traditional journalism are acting as intermediary between the government and the people of the State or country, even beyond.

With the advent of new technologies,  traditional journalists sometimes depend on ‘yellow’ journalists to get information on accident, domestic violence etc, funny enough, they have created online pages, some have website to keep it readers and subscribers afloat with political trend in the states.Annoyingly, the platform have become an avenue for undignified begging spree, with many using their website and blogs to seek unmerited favour from politicians. 

It is obvious that begging has been digitalized with these folks who are hell bent on writing persuasive and deceptive epistle or articles in order to deceive their target audience at the detriment of the general well being of the masses. This ugly trend unfolding in Nigeria sociopolitical development needlessly exclude Kogi State, as many purported political activists has ostensibly displayed and played the card of ‘evil genius’ solely for economic gratification and glorification of parochial interest. 

It is quite crystal clear that Kogites witnessed a lot of irredeemable injuries and political intrigues from the All Progressive Congress and Peoples Democratic Party in the build up to 2019 gubernatorial election. This was propelled by the intent at selling their respective candidates regardless whose ox is gored. At the end of the election, Mr. Yahaya Bello of the APC won the race. However, the unfolding pertinent question is, is your principal doing what you convincingly advanced to Kogites prior to his assumption of duty? Absolutely no.

Where are they purported activists that utterly converted themselves to e-thug? Probably, they were not favored to enroute into the New direction second train, or their brothers and sisters that were hitherto apologetics of the disastrous, destructive and indifferent first term of ‘New Direction ‘team were sacked or awarded a nonrecompense compulsory retirement? It is either one of the rational stated above account for their eventual disappearance or there is a sudden halt in ‘probono data subscription’ to defend their naturally defenceless principal’s on the Cyber space.

Great writers, activists, and philosopher in the medieval period and other sane climes like Cicero, J.J Rousseau and Malcom X wrote to inspire and change ugly narratives and not the other way round. We have multitude of issues affecting the foundation and sustainability of our dying state that call for an objective and solution driven articles and publications. 

This spectrum is frustratingly and eager to embrace your writing and intellectual prowess to correct this anomalies, such as the unethical transaction and hazardous exposition of the state by the activities of Dangote group limited. Non consistent and a disequilibrium in the payments of salary and arrears in the States.

All these among several other threatening issues are area that worth venting our dissatisfaction and frustration through our individualistic writing skills. It should be expressly stated at this point that payment of salary by the government is not an achievement and can never be recorded as one. This can be objectively argued as workers diligently discharge their mandates as enshrined in their terms of employment. Hence, the need to advocate for timely payment of their emolument as stated in their terms of employment. 

Sad enough, no body is articulating this, and even those that attempted to lay their lips on this subject matters always got intimidated and silenced by the power that be. They have mounted their daredevil informants on all strata and segments of the society including the social media to monitor people disatisfactory comments and write up on Cyber space. It is unfortunate that truth has been grounded and buried by modern autocrats that worn contemporary democratic fabrics. 

One of the famous Kogites who has consistently and emphatically say ‘NO’ to Governor Bello maladministration is Austin Okai. His synergy with the opposition party can neither be jettisoned. Nevertheless, he has persistently put Kogi State government on its toes by advocating for non violation of workers right and ensure service delivery in some quarters. This epistle is never a glorification of his services thus far but a wake up call for a collective action to change the ugly narratives in the state. 

If all the activists can react objectively and goal driven like Austin Okai, or a simple deviation from praise singing and naysaying, Kogi State could have regain her rightful place in the comity of great and prosperous states not just in Nigeria but the world.

Electing someone into political office does not implies we should be cowed and transformed into worthless object of phobia for a power that we collectively made. It will be a great departure from, and great disservice to the law of natural justice and equity if an employer is spotted to be afraid of his employees. We have it as duty to consistently and progressively checkmate the activities of government for the general welfare of the masses.

As a manifestation of the ugly trend and pauperization of workers by the incumbent government of Kogi State, It was gathered that Kogi civil servants are observing dry fasting because government have blatantly denied them of their entitlement on the background of flimsy excuse of the fight against COVID-19. If I may ask; Is there any case of coronavirus in Kogi State or has Federal government stopped the statutory monthly allocation from coming to Kogi State?

This call for a sober reflection for a time when the general public are suffering from a twin effects of Corona virus; psychological trauma and eventual inflation in the general price of goods in the country. 

Apparently, our social media political gurus suddenly became mute. Why this conspiracy of silence at this critical time? Does it mean that the scope of their intellectualism and literacy is limited to the field of politics (election, praise singing and campaign) with great disregard to load of society issues which leadership is to solve? Writing in almost all cases should not be lopsided and it defies logic and ethics to advance parochial interest in the society of the oppressed.

We can only achieve the Kogi of our dream if we write and think as ‘We’ and not as ‘Me’. Just remember that ‘we are in this together’.

– Ojimaojo Y. Abubakar

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