Academic Forum Organise ‘Free Sheikh Zakzaky’ Protest in Kogi

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Below is a copy of a release distributed by the members of the academic forum of the Islamic movement in Nigeria in Kogi state after having a peaceful protest over the Zaria massacre and the illegal detention of the leader of the Islamic movement in Nigeria Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H).


No matter the level of corruption, poverty and penury in the society, Human society can never be without intelligent, positive, viable and free minded individuals who strive themselves to get raid of enslavement and create a vacuum where freedom to belief is Right, Right to life is Right and protection to properties is Right.

On the 12th December, 2015, there was a great Massacre launched on the Islamic Movement in Nigeria with the Conspiracy of Shi’ite – Army clash where over 2000 members of the movement were brutally killed including children, young and old, men and women while the Leader of the Movement Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky and more than 1000 members were still under illegal Military detention.

To cover the atrocities committed and justify the Evil and Inhuman act, mass burial was carried out on the numerous members killed by the Nigerian Army and some videos clip were edited and distributed to convince the public that they were peaceful while the members of the movement were violent and unruly.

On the 25th July, 2014, Nigerian Army on the same mission to kill, attacked a peaceful procession in Zaria to mark the International Quds Day which is observed annually by many people (Muslims, Christians, Jews and others) all the world in solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine. That dastardly attack resulted in the murder of 34 people including 3 sons of the leader of Islamic Movement in Nigeria, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H). Over a hundred others were severely injured.

There is no doubt; the present Massacre in Zaria is a well Evil planned act by the Enemies of Humanity before the Execution over the last weekend. No wonder! No legal trial of any kind was made before killings, bombing and demolition started after the alleged attack on the convoy of the Chief of Army staff.

The Hussainiyya Baqiyyatullah (centre) was bombed and demolished, Dahrul Rahman, where the Martyrs of the Movement were buried was destroyed by the Army and they proceeded to Gyllesu, the Residence of the Leader of the Movement and started shooting sporadically and killed people, bombed and demolished houses.

In general, many Nigerians were fed with blatant lies on Zaria Massacre but those individuals who possessed the aforementioned qualities will still analyzed and understand the tragedy without bias. If truly the Chief of Army staff escaped assassination as earlier claimed, were the assassins arrested and confessed that they were sent by the Leader of the Movement? They later claimed that the Road was blocked depriving them of passage, No member has ever blocked Road intentionally to deprive people’s passage but we are human beings and lives need to be protected and as such some members have to control traffic especially when there is program and that has been on without dispute for many years now.

Any Rational individual can think of this! If the Islamic Movement must have been known for violence, why would the Massacre in Zaria and illegal detention of the leader of the Movement attracted the world? There are Rallies and peaceful Protests in many countries such as India, Iran, China, UK, Pakistan, Ghana, Lebanon, Iraq, Palestine, Nigeria, etc with Strong and Common voice free “Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky”.

The Islamic Movement of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky Yesterday is the same Islamic Movement Today and will still be the same Movement Tomorrow Allah’s willing. We Demands for Urgent and Unconditional Release of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky.

Nigerian Government… No to killing, Yes to Humanity, Equity and Justice is Paramount.

FREE Zakzaky! FREE Zakzaky!! FREE Zakzaky!!!.


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Credit: Ahlul Bayt News Agency, ABNA24

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