Abubakar Audu: The Man Kogi Deserves – Musa Wada

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Gone are the days when leaders tred with con­science and are mindful of accountable steward­ship. Gone is the era when leaders commit to the general will and ensure better living conditions for the masses simply because it is their right to be so provided for. In these times of self serving leader­ship disposition, finding one man who holds himself conscientiously accountable to the people, while wielding the strength, mystery and glory of leadership, is akin to discovering an oasis in a desert.

There is still such a man in Prince Abubakar Audu, twice executive Governor of Kogi State and, argu­ably, the godfather of modern day Kogi politics. To begin to write about Audu is a venture that is neither here nor there. To understand this, a con­cise reflection on his personal growth and service record becomes neces­sary. Audu’s life is an interesting tale of grass to grace, spurned by deter­mination, patience, and hardwork. Born in 1947 in Ogbonicha –Alloma in Ofu local area of Kogi State, Audu began his early education at the NA Junior Primary School, Aloma. He later attended senior school at Ankpa from where he went to Dennis Me­morial Grammar School, Onitsha and Jos Commercial College from where he would later obtain both his GCE O ad A level certificates

In his quest for more education, young Audu  travelled to London to study banking and personnel man­agement to become a professional secretary and a Fellow of the Associ­ation  of International Accountants of London as well as obtained the fel­lowship of the Chartered Institute of Industrial Administration of Nigeria. Prince Audu is a true testament of the desirable quality of our humanity and a worthy example of leadership. He is both a successful banker and politician.

His philanthropy and concern for the less privileged is legendary. Kogi people will always remember him as a vibrant Governor who brought style into his government. A banker with over 25 years banking experi­ence behind him, his political career has been defined by calculated acts of courage. With just six years in Lu­gard House, it was obvious that Audu came to work for the lot of the poor, the lowly and vulnerable in Kogi State. His success in life and politics has not made him arrogant, he is as­sociated with many strategic deci­sions that align with the area of Kogi State, creating a cohesive environ­ment and sharing a sense of purpose with all the local government areas that make up thee state and, in the process, proving himself the leader that the state deserves.

Traces of his unqualified leader­ship benefits are manifest in the es­tablishment of three housing schemes for public officers consisting of 1500 housing units. He also constructed inter-township and rural roads. He was able to transform Lokoja town­ship with asphalt roads. Over 75 electrification schemes and 50 waters project, television station, radio sta­tion both AM and FM, state- owned newspapers, the transformation of the colonial house of Lord Lugard into an ultra modern Government House  Complex, construction of first ultra modern stadium, five star hotel, the construction of state liai­son office.  All did not escape his notice, he was the brain behind the establishment of Kogi State Univer­sity and got Dangote to establish a cement factory at Obajana. These are all significant and veritable. His unprecedented courage in initiating the state university is legendary. He really surpassed his excellent lead­ership qualities and humanity has greatly benefited from his leadership and integrity. We miss the magnifi­cent presence of an outstanding man of the political class whom we help­lessly let choose the path of oblivion.

Dear Prince,  the Ado-oja Ede of Kogi State, thy face we seek, thy voice we crave, and your silence we abhor. Yes, we yearn for a rendition of the impact of your human-faced politics. Your legacies are so abid­ing, your vision so inspiring, your energy productive, your eloquence and intellectual dynamism so engag­ing that to stay content in the pri­vacy of your charity, powerful mind, refined democratic character and grassroots responsibilities will be a huge waste to the state. It will not be easy for many to understand why you made a choice that contradicts your reputation.

The footprints that you left  be­hind are as important as the foot­paths that you must follow. It is just the natural course of your life. That is where you belong, even death will not deny you a place in history, not anymore. Audu has a record of courage and conviction. He is never counted among men who sat on the fence. His is a mixture of humility, frankness and boldness.

He never leaves any man in doubt where he stands on an issue. His sense of judgment is always right, his compassion and love to uplift the downtrodden are second to none. This, he has demonstrated in many spheres. To say the least, Audu has gone to swim in troubled waters dur­ing turbulent tides of politics and democracy in Nigeria, yet did not getting drowned. Being a man of considerable administrative experi­ence, he has remained courageous, decisive and transparently firm in taking action that helped transform the state in many positive ways. No wonder, political permutation and calculations all seem to point to Audu as the one the cap may fit, a force to reckon with and the candi­date to beat in the 2015 election be­cause he is tested and trusted, well educated, and vast in public admin­istration and human management, by all standards.

To the people of Kogi State, the ultimate desire is good governance. It is the desire to see transformed service delivery system in the state. No gainsaying the fact that it is an expected end to see the lives of or­dinary people improved. With the expectation, the question over the years has always been who will de­liver the result, who will lead the ef­forts. As an answer, Prince Audu has to be brought back to the scene to drive the developmental efforts and it is only evident that the result will be success with him as the Governor of Kogi State. So, we must stop to thank him and urge him onto loftier achievement.

*Wada writes from Abuja.

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