‘A Mother of Inestimable Value’; Okehi LG Secretary Celebrates Former Kogi First Lady, Barr Amina Bello

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The Secretary to Okehi Local Government Area, Prince Matthew James Omeiza, popularly known as Mr Spreading, has felicitated the wife of former Kogi State Governor, Barr. Amina Oyiza Bello on the occasion of her birthday.

In a congratulatory message, Mr Matthew Omeiza described Barr. Bello as a “mother of inestimable value who has affected the lives of people of Eika- Ohizenyi , Okehi and Kogi state positively.”

According to Hon Matthew, “we felicitate with our mummy, Barr. (Mrs) Amina Oyiza Bello on the occasion of her birthday with an unprecedented joy.

“Barr. Amina Bello is a woman of Inestimable value, a helping, prayerful woman to Kogi state, a woman who has helped prisoners, less privileged, the sick, poor, the hungry, thirsty, house the homeless and a pillar of strength to our leader of modern Kogi state, His Excellency Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello.

“I am proud of her exemplary life and able way she have held forte in the home front, thereby providing an enabling environment for peace of mind and good atmosphere for her doting and amiable spouse, Former Governor of Kogi state to continue to give our dear Party and State purposeful and proactive leadership” he said.

Prince Matthew prayed for God to continually grant her long life in good health and prosperity.

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