A Layman’s Analogy of Nigeria Political Tussle in 2023

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The 2023 General Election has come and gone but the lessons espoused are too glimmer to capture in this discourse. Like other African countries, politics on this part of the globe is laced with overambitious twist and turns which has served overtime as the winners perfect guide even though it is rated in the circle of saner minds as electoral malpractices or more leniently the power of exploiting which compliments the foul tendencies of ‘godfatherism’. This is also a fetishistic attribute of democracy in the Black nation because copycats are still experimenting a style of government which is arguably alien to the way and life of the people – an average African nationality consents the principality of power drunk syndrome and exhibits the characteristics of sit tight rulers which is a clog in the wheels of true democratic tenets – this is expository to the recent theatre of coup d’etat recorded in some African countries in 2023.

In Nigeria (the now contested Giant of Africa) political offices are the quickest avenue to champion overzealous brigandage guised in mufti with acclaimed tags of political actors. These class of citizens are in the business of managing Nigeria and Nigerians for the betterments of their pockets. Fortunately for these cabals, it has become business as usual spanning many decades yet they are not remorseful of the venture – they contest to win or reconnect again in quad deceptive years. It is comically sympathetic to underscore the untiring posture of the masses who ignorantly regroup themselves to throw lazy weights behind these shambolic politicians yet they are not tired of pointing out the flaws of bad leaders of which they are the major accomplice in crime. 

This analogy is a mere synthesis of the shameless twist of political diabolism affecting democratic upliftment in Africa and Nigeria is not existing in isolation of guilt. Political power play should not be an article of trade confined in the hands of some selected state actors with zero level of selfless posture. Politics in Nigeria has further dwindled to become a treachery defined network of cabals pursuing their gluttonous agendas. If Nigeria must become the center stage of African political interest and development then it is high time to enact the much needed difference by playing a leading role of redefining political interest by showcasing accountable leadership options that can survive the test of time and relatively a trust of the people who are supposedly in charge of this mandate. 

Prior to the 2023 General Election, Nigerians were anticipatory of a new government coming to power with juicy opportunities. This enthusiasm was accompanied with bittered complaints centered on the policies of President Muhammadu Buhari. At the eve of the elections, citizens further languished in pains of untold economic hardship especially with the needless scarcity of Naira notes. It was an ample time for the people to decide their fate but this charge was ‘banzaly’ frozen in the vicious circles of the bulk of Nigerians who are not tired of repeating same mistakes yet expecting a different applauding result. 

In fairness to the election umpire, the 2023 General Election was not rigged but in another lucid statement of fact it cannot also be adjudged a free and fair contest because it featured other technical hitches albeit covered up with impromptus of BVAS technology. This is not a contrast of my standpoint. Now, read between the lines: Nigerians blindfolded themselves with chants of “OBIdient, Jagaban and Atiku nation” further humiliating the task of electing a technocrat who had showcased zero chances of impunity in the time past. There is unity in diversity but Nigeria’s political landscape is littered with uncanny trolls of senseless trivialities. For instance, citizens are quick to lament about the leadership styles of their leaders but in a sharp contrast these same set of complainants are comfortable with any politician in power especially when they are beneficiaries of loot. Therefore, political development in Nigeria or better still the dividends of Nigeria’s democracy has been reduced to a “wait for your turn” concept of concealments.

Similarly, judging from 1999 till date, most Nigerian leaders have displayed chronic levels of nepotism without disdain compelling pundits to ask: where is the doctrine of One Nigeria? Aside President Olusegun Obasanjo who cannot be exonerated in entirety, other Nigerian leaders are guilty of appointing their kinsmen and women as heads of government agencies, ministries or parastatal. This style of parochial appointment depicts high level corruption in Nigeria and has further polarized Nigeria’s political yearnings and attainments. Truth be told, appointment into such exalted offices should be based on merits because the prospects of Nigeria as a country is bigger than the sectional interest of any ethnic group or individual. President Bola Tinubu should not fall short of the people’s expectations by replacing any sacked or suspended helmsman of government owned organizations with his kinsman. Tinubu did not start this trend of appointment but he is urged to have a rethink and amend in pursuance of trust, unity and promote the ideals of Nigeria’s founding fathers.

Nigeria should not be relegated to an ethnic or religious entity. The Presidential Election Petition Tribunal has accorded judgment to most cases challenging the validity or outcome of the 2023 election. In most of the rulings, the cases were trashed as pre-election matters. Well, this is a grasp of legality further hinting that Nigerians are just practicing democracy as a style of government but democracy needs to be studied at least by understanding the functionality in terms of utility and applicability. Above all, Nigerians are earnestly seeking the resourcefulness of a purposeful leader who is ready to amplify an exemplary style of leadership. To this end, Tinubu should be encouraged; he should not be discouraged but the President must first of all encourage Nigerians by cushioning the effects of the removal of fuel subsidy for a start because at the moment, Nigerians are not breathing.

God bless Nigeria!

– Jerry Ochada writes from Abuja.

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