A Clarion Call for The Rehabilitation of Ajaokuta Steel Company

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By Musa Abbas.
At this point in time Nigeria should rather fight for industrialization than fight against corruption.  This is in views of the massive numbers of youths who keep pumping into the labour market annually.
Having Ajaokuta steel company which is the bedrock of industrialization in good shape will do us more of blessings and serve as a panacea to the alleviation of poverty and joblessness.
Unemployment has become an event that rocks of our dear nation and seems to have no solutions in Nigeria. Mind you, the solutions lies somewhere in Kogi state.
It’s disgusting that a country whose youth is suffering because of joblessness is watching and leaving one of the outstanding job providing industry in an idle state.
An industry which is capable of providing  5000 jobs at the upper stream and 1000 jobs at the down stream, capable of modifying the business activity of the state,  generate enormous revenue for the country,  providing spare parts and selling them to the indigenous people at a cheaper and affordable rate,  giving entrepreneurs more opportunity to invest, is left in deterioration. Oh its more painful to talk about when I realize we started together with north Korea in 1979 as one of the best steel producing country, today North Korea is rated as the number four (4) best steel producing country while Nigeria is rankless, it’s a totally kaput. Is it not up to the time we wake up from our slumber?
N-power is not the solution to joblessness but industrialization, Ajaokuta Steel Company Limited is the key solution to this economic pest that is posting our nature.
Year in year out we celebrates graduation and NYSC POP but we barely celebrate employment of these fellows.  It Pierced my heart the day I found out the employment capacity of Ajaokuta steel company.  We can not continue to watch ourselves being dumped in the labour market to search and wander for a leaving of which some persons ends up on the street as hawkers.
I am calling on my academic superiors and youths of my era to rise against the major challenge facing Ajaokuta steel company which is “lack of political will”. It is a just cause,  a fight to savage our future and freedom of joblessness. If the government feels there is no money to finance this project then I advise them to apply the theory of Edward Ullman in 1956 using the aspect of complementarity as the way out. Let give out our crude oil for industrialization.
Until we have a government who take industrialization as her first agenda and work to achieve it, then we shall have this nation  to be great.  Let rise and fight a just cause!

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