Rep Abejide Clarifies Nigeria Customs Service Recruitment Process

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Hon Leke Abejide, Chairman, House Committee on Customs & Excise, has urged applicants seeking employment into the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) to follow the through the entire recruitment process.

In a statement on Tuesday, Abejide corrected the misconstrued notion that the slip generated was the only requirement for recruitment.

The lawmaker clarified that the generated slip was just a step in the recruitment process.

“I am compelled to issue this statement to further enlighten Nigerians on the proposed Nigeria Customs Service requirements due to pressure I have received especially from people outside government around the country; those I know and most people I do not know trying to understand if the slip generated is what they need to be recruited but certainly not because they are further steps to undertaken such as examination, fitness and medical examination based on my experience over the past years.

“The process is not a one step. Your application only indicates your intention to participate in the recruitment process as examination will still be written as aforementioned and whoever passed shall be invited for further screening.

“Once the modalities of screening and recruiting candidates are concluded the management of NCS will make public the steps intending candidates should take in order to participate effectively and I will equally come to the public domain again to further broadcast it for all Nigerians to be fully aware and take the opportunities available.

“As at the moment nothing has been agreed upon as regards the modalities but only applications process and the slip generated is not a guarantee for recruitment but just as an evidence to show you have shown intention,” he said.

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