Octogenarian Prof Tunji Arokoyo Clocks 8 Decades and Still Counting

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Reaching 80 years on the planet earth is such a great and rare milestone in life and should be accompanied with numerous experiences, memories and more wisdom.

When one gets to this age, it is a significant achievement that deserves to be celebrated with funfare and marked most fittingly.

Daddy, today 24th October, 2024, as we celebrate your birthday as firstly, as a lovely father, and secondly, as an international Academician, who have done much to leave a lasting legacy as a teacher of great repute.

Prof, if you are not aware, you’re such a priceless jewel of inestimable asset who have impacted positively to humanity in general and family.

For a fact, you’re loved beyond what words, actions and expressions can describe. For me, I’m eternally grateful for the shower of love, magnanimity and encouragement so far, so good!

For the sake of the birthday boy, there is a nexus between you and the general believe that wisdom is not measured in years.

But, there is a wealth of insight in the 80 years you have attained to the glory of God Almighty as experience.

‘Baba Agriculture’, how does it feel like to have spent 8 decades of life with so much accomplishments and recognitions?

Without doubt, it has to feel to feel assured, re-assuring and fulfilling with a lot of contentment to have seen so much and to be able to discuss about it with your loved ones.

Since when I grew up as an adult, I have known you to be a quintessentially religious and humane personality, I’m optimistic, that your faith and utmost trust in God is unshakable. I’m also positive that you will become even more stronger in your faith in God as you keep going to the glory of God Almighty.

Daddy, at 80, you’re still feisty, amiable and bubbly like a young chap in his mid 30’s! Please, don’t cease being lively just because you’re turning 80!

Lest I forget, with every sense of humility, everything you do is successful!

Thanks to your unstinted commitment, strong character, will-power and good upbringing.

It is evidently obvious that God has blessed you beyond human imagination. May the Lord continue to shine his light and grace upon you all the days of your life!

To my father- figure who has carve a niche for himself by keeping our family as one united and indivisible entity, as you celebrate your 80th birthday with great expectations and bountiful blessings, may God, in His infinite mercy, grant you peace of mind, joy unspeakable, good health, uncommon grace and enduring blessings in Jesus mighty name, amen!

Congratulations and happy 80th birthday, Professor Olatunji Johnson Arokoyo (KSM).


Mr. & Mrs Segun Joel Arokoyo
24th October 2024

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