Science and Religion: Two Sides of a Coin

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Dated back to the inception of society, even once in every human lifetime, the inquisitive nature of man drives the soul to perplexity as one tries to unravel the truth behind the reality of the universe. As to such attempt, various philosophies held by Men like Plato, Socrates even the Buddha came into existence to explain the essence of life. however, these philosophies remain equivocal, not entirely absolute. over the 18th century, where the curious spirit of man led the enlightenment age, the innovation of scientific theories, where the universe is determined by empirical facts and not faith beliefs leading to the greatest debate of all time, the cosmic dance between Science and Religion. This author believes that the progress of humanity may be hinged on understand the rivalry behind the two concept, science and religion.

As readers of the bible, we believe that the world existed as a void of darkness and a supreme being, God illuminated the world by a declaration of light. Atheist posit the event to be absurd lacking rationale. However, we have been made to believe that faith in itself does not have to be logical or explicable as God is not a Man-created being who rely on logics and sane deductions. So, although, scientist may have propounded the big bang theory and many other explanations to the origin of the universe and man, religion still thrives as believers experience the wonders of their faith. After all, some scientist unwittingly admit that the precise design of the universe and man must include an artist of adept skill -a creator- so they tend to argue that the world is self existing. A contradiction one may say hence according to pastor Gideon, a prominent leader in the community, an artwork can never explain itself satisfactorily as he insist that God is the creator of the world.

While many are idle spectators of the grand tapestry of the world, some have taken action to discover the phenomenons that exist. That may be why, despite the amazing feat witnessed by religious leaders, many scientists will assert it to be pseudo performance. This proves, according to pastor Daniel, that man will always cave into logicality to remain sane. As humans, we tend to believe that only a madman will not seek the answer to why trees grow rather to simply rely on the existence of a God.

The laws of the universe, including the law of attraction, might be the most counterintuitive of the religious belief of faith. Thought and belief have significant impact in our lives, shaping our existence, behavior and even our reality. Faith however is hinged on a belief system of prayers and mediation involving interaction with God. Healing is a phenomenon manifested by faith. although neuroscience have made us to accept this as the placebo effect, our expectations can influence our experiences, therefore leading to the argument. Is science trying to explain the principles of religion designed by God in logical sense?

“I believe that science and religion are two side of the same coin.” says pastor Gideon. “Both seeks to explain the mysteries of the universe, but from different perspective. Science focuses on the physical world, while religion delve into the spiritual realm.”

The human conscience, a psychological phenomenon that have puzzled scholars for centuries can be seen as the voice of God or the superego. Dreams, those ethereal experiences that reveal the deepest desires and fears can be interpreted as metaphysical event or random brain activity. The contradiction between these concept, dear reader impact human existence, purpose and identity in ways both profound and subtle. Mama Chi, a spiritual leader says “The ancestors will guide us, if we just listen. the truth is in the Earth, in the spirit and in the cycle of nature, we just need to pay attention.” This profound statement may imply that the still voice be it God or the subconscious mind have a significant impact in the human experience.

Some may begin to wonder, does eternity exist? the reward for good -heaven and the punishment for bad-hell. Yet even in our time, we may experience the wonders of sowing and reaping, give and take or sophistically put, ‘Karma’. According to pastor Victor, he boldly claims that whenever he give into the kingdom of God or to any good cause generally, he experiences blessings that will increase his wealth so he profoundly believes that God rewards his act of charity. Karma include the law of the universe that suggests our actions have consequences, weaves an intricate web of cause and effect that binds us all. As the great wheel of karma turns, our choices come full circle, bringing us face to face with the reflection of our own making. Consequently, should we embrace this phenomenon as God judgement for action or a natural mysterious force that shape our lives?

The debate between religion and science may never be resolved but one thing is certain. The search for truth and meaning is a fundamental impulse. “Faith and science aren’t mutually exclusive.” says pastor Gideon “Maybe we can find a way to reconcile our differences and work towards a bright future.” So perhaps, just perhaps science and religion can find common ground in the unknown.

– Emmanuel A. Otuoze

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