Kogi Referees Begs Sport-Loving Gov Ododo to Renovate Confluence Stadium

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Referees in Kogi State have appealed to Governor Usman Ododo to renovate the Confluence Stadium to attract more sporting activities in the state.

The Chairman, Kogi State Referees Council, Comrade Baba Abel made the appeal during the association annual general meeting held in Lokoja on Wednesday.

Comrade Abel, who is a retired FIFA referee, lamented the sorry state of the confluence stadium which was built during the administration of former Governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Ibrahim Idris.

“The Confluence stadium Lokoja is currently in a sorry state. This is one of the biggest stadium in Nigeria. But unfortunately, it is currently dilapidated. It is not a good thing for our teams, the Confluence Queen and Kogi United football clubs to be playing their home matches outside Kogi State because of the bad state of our own stadium.

“This is unacceptable. Confluence stadium has the capacity of hosting our national teams for international matches. Allowing the stadium to decay to this point is a big loss to our dear State.

“Permit me to use this opportunity to congratulate His Excellency the Executive Governor of Kogi State Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo on his victory on the poll. We also congratulate, the newly elected Chairman, Hon. Hassan Wada and board members of Kogi Football Association (FA) wishing all of them success in office.

“It is on this note we are calling on the Kogi State Governor Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo who we all know as a sport loving personality to urgently renovate this stadium to attract more sporting activities in Kogi State. This stadium should not be left like this.

“We hereby equally appeal to philanthropist/well mean Nigerian to help us renovate the Confluence Stadium in order to promote sport in our dear State.

Comrade Abel, however, applauded referees in Kogi State for their professional conduct, urging them not to relent in the discharge of their duties.

“I must give kudos to referees in Kogi State for their professional conduct. No referee in Kogi have been found wanting for unprofessional conduct while officiating matches across the Country. This is a good news I must confess. We have had instances were some referees in the Country have been sanctioned for compromising while officiating a football match. Am charging Kogi referees to keep up with this good work as the sky is their starting point”.

The retired FIFA badged referee warned members of the association against officiating matches without authorization.

“This is not allowed. Let us work together to boost the integrity of our association and protection of our referees. Football club should be enlightened to discuss and agree with the council for smooth operations,” he added.

He disclosed further that the present Executive assumed office March last year (2023) and have been enjoying good working relationship with her members.

“All the societies chairmen and secretaries have been wonderful, they attend meetings, give useful contribution to the growth of the council making the administration smooth and progressive.

“I want to mention here, that the council have a smooth working relationship with NFF, NRA, Kogi State football Association, and other stakeholders in sport.

“I hereby appreciate members of the Council Executive for their co-operation and commitment to the growth of the council. The Elders are not left out of my gratitude. I wish to congratulate all the societies for the successful conduct of their Annual General Meeting (AGM).

“I hereby appreciate all assessors and referees for not letting the council down in their various Officiating assignment at all levels (Local, State, National and international duties) please keep It”.

In his remarks, the Kogi State Director of Sport, Mr Onipe Halli, who was represented by the head of coaching and training of the Council, David Amadi, stressed the need for the government to urgently ensure that the confluence stadium wears a new look, adding that the state has lost a lot in view of the dilapidated nature of multi million naira stadium.

On his part, the Chairman Kogi State Football Association, Hassan Wada, who was represented by his Secretary, Yahaya Ali Keller, posited that the association is working round the clock to ensure that the present administration listen to the cry of the masses for the stadium to be rehabilitated urgently.

It was gathered that, the President, Nigeria Referee Association, Sani Zubair was represented by SS Bello at this year annual general meeting of the association in Kogi State.

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