Ofu LG Chairman Harps on Dedication to Duty

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By Abdul Aji.

The Caretaker Chairman of Ofu Local Government Council, Hon. Hassan Sani Atawodi has called on the staff of the Local Government Area to be committed to their duties, saying that the success of an individual or a group of people is determined by the level of their commitment to work.

Hon Atawodi who made the call at the Local Government Secretariat, Ugwolawo while inspecting some offices in the secretariat, promised that this administration will take the matter of Staff welfare as a priority.

In his speech, the Chairman cautioned some of the staff who are having the habit of absent themselves from duty to rethink, adding that the Government is working tirelessly to continue in improving on their welfare.

In a press release signed by Deacon Omede Idoko Samuel, Principal Information Officer of the council, the Care-taker Chairman, Hon. Hassan commended the DLG of the Local Government Council, Deaconess Rachael Ukwo John and her work force for their diligent and commitment duty.

He said that everyone will enjoy the fruits of his or her labour, if they do not relent in carrying out their duty diligently.

In a remarks, the DLG, DCNSS Rachael Ukwo John who was represented by the DPM, Mall Muazu Alih thanked the Chairman for his humidity and diligence in attending to issues, adding that the staff are always ready in putting in their best for the success of this administration and the entire Local Government Area.

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