At the loss of battle between the angels led by Michael and the other angels led by the Dragon called Devil, the dragon and his supporting angels were not just forced out of heaven but thrown down to the earth. The heaven was filled with electrified celebrations as it started to witness peaceful coexistence; no more accusations and no more death threats.
The dragon and his angels found themselves on earth with great anger and ready to make-use of every tool within their ample outstretch to control the earth for the limited time they have. In doing so, the dragon on earth, identified, pursued and caught up with a woman, he tried to manipulate her but the earth helped her, he, therefore, declared war against her children; that began human race heartbroken and it will only come to a logical end through death.
He established his kingdoms in a hierarchical ways of ascending order. Once any of his agents meet up the expectation of one stage, s/he is promoted to the next stage. One of the ways through which he gains souls to that kingdom is by taking people lives with the help of death. It can come at any age, stage, and anywhere, depending on the relationship between you and his/her agents, but mostly, he positioned and instructed his agents to strike at the wee hour of human life. If you have a good relationship with his agents, s/he can grant you mercy for a life extension, but, you need to identify such agent(s), languages s/he understands, best food, best music, know the other right things and the best ways to appease to his/her emotions.
Death is a means to be free from the earthly huddles, it works for good but when manipulated by the dragon, he uses one of the dragonized radical tools known as an intimated kind of attractions going against accepted ideas of what is right between people to strike and at that process, giving no room for restitution, thereby causing damages and sorrow and at the same time expanding his kingdom.
In every environment or society, he planted a defendable desire in every human heart, soul, and brain. Hence, it perfected it by covenanting a freelance minded person who carries out the job. How does it work? If he is going to attack through a morally objectionable behavior via female folks. He will identify her at birth, nurtured her growing up by making her a center of attractions in all sphere of life, she will be more admired among her peers, everyone will like to cross her path, despite not making any significant impact to the lives of those around her, she will still be the center of attractions. Every man that talks to her will suddenly be attracted by her scowling face, which remains adorable by such, she become catchy, bringing her to early marriage to what I can call “a placement husband” as husband. She will frustrate the man to the extent that people will see him more of a down trodden than an upright and a fit man, which he is. Having put her husband in such conditions (just like someone that poisoned her husband’s dinner with sleeping pill in other to go out and meet another man), she becomes a freelance companion to everyone mostly those younger than her, anyone that exchange banters with her becomes a victim and she won’t know No for an answer instead she will politely smile-in knowing fully her intention, which is to prey on available men.
Before the Cock-a-doodle-doo, she is awake, leaving her husband for another man to get the morning dose and deposit the semen that was concocted between the hour of 12.45am to 2.45am, she will visit another man and make sure she cemented another covenant between 11.55am and 12.15pm. She will release the final dose at 10.00pm on dot. This will be a routine exercise throughout her life’s time. The major mechanism through which the deadly covenant can be manifested is through contacting the effluent since the deadly act was covenanted in her blood and water. At 50 years, she will still be active as she was in her 20s.
Will all men that fall victims go free? No, in fact, they will transfer it to their other companion (but with a reduced effects), some will die on attaining the same age she was when both mate (don’t forget she goes after those younger than her), some will work hard throughout their life time but the result will not be justifiable, some will look miserable and struggles with family matters. Are they around us? The answer is YES, the next person to you may possibly be one.
– Ekundayo Adebogun Obamiyi