We Are No Longer Safe in Kogi – Coalition of NGOs Cries Out

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Kogi NGOs Network (KONGONET) has raised alarm over the growing insecurity in the state, saying they have lost confidence in the security architecture put in place by Governor Yahaya Bello to address recent upsurge in crime in Kogi State.

KONGONET chairman, Idris Ozovehe Muraina in a statement on Saturday, called on the governor to change his tactics in handling security issues, as citizens in Kogi State can no longer sleep with their two eyes closed or travel around the state over fear of the unknown.

Muraina described the recent surge in the rate of crimes and criminality in Kogi State as unfortunate and sad.

He called for a swift response by the state security apparatus to strategize and implement ‘Operation Clean Sweep’ to flush out the hoodlums and rescue their captives immediately.

“Kogi State is the transit corridor of the nation bordered by nine states and the FCT. The return of men of the underworld to our highways call for serious concern.

“While we call for immediate security response to this ugly development, the current administration should ensure never to lose the war on combating insecurity in the state because the administration had pride itself and scored her self high on security.

“No wonder the executive governor was given the big task of leading the north central state towards tackling insecurity. It is rather unfortunate that this is raring it’s ugly head at this material time in our dear state,” Muraina said.

It could be recalled that in the last two months in Kogi State, there has been sad episodes of crimes with attendant loss of lives of innocent citizens.
In Isanlu, eight Police officers and one civilian were killed by dare devil armed robbers in broad day light. A similar incident occurred along Lokoja-Abuja road were a famous business man, Nicolas Ofodile, was killed by unknown gunmen while many commuters were kidnapped.

Recently, an army captain, identified as GSM Abubakar driving in company of his wife was shot dead and his wife and mother kidnapped. On Thursday 9th June, 2020, two naval officers were reportedly shot dead along Okene-Lokoja express way.

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