Kogi Guber: Why The Admiration of Admiral Jibrin Usman

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To overcome entrenched evil in the land (Kogi State) is not a child’s play.   This truth is understood to every right thinking person in or outside the state. This is so, because over time, some people have become slaves in their own land. Bello’s administration has so much inflicted their sense of reasoning to the extent that the anomaly looks normal. To these category of people, their situation is hopeless and helpless, until there is an external and higher force deployed to their rescue.

Vice Admiral Jibrin Usman, a retired military Chief has made himself available do the bidding of Kogites. We all understand the time that the state cannot survive the current anarchy, chaos, and brutish phenomenon in the last three and half years without a well focused personality in the saddle of leadership. Of course, the former Chief of Naval staff has become the admiration of all in recent times, because it is common knowledge,  even,  to the naivety that he would deploy the best of intelligence to tackle insecurity in the state.

Obviously,  it’s the person of Admiral Jibrin Usman’s standing,  his contacts, network and capacity that can pick pieces from where the state has been grounded to the place of our dreams.

The battle to rescue Kogi State from Yahaya Bello would have been epic, but  as it stands, God has seen the agonies of the oppressed in Kogi State and has answered prayers. It is a question of time and Bello would be not more in the Lugard House.

The case of Admiral Jibrin Usman is that of a scriptural star that appeared in the east to the worries of the King. In this context, Bello, the white lion is worried. His political allies are worried because their astrologers have announced that a star has appeared in the political firmament of Kogi State. Yahaya Bello’s group are seriously worried!

Their worries are such that Bello has relocated to Abuja, the seat of power to lobby powers that be, while his social media warriors stay back to trade tackle political opponents.

Bello’s men brandishes lies against the stellar reputation of Admiral Jibrin.   They embark on character assassination and try to depose truth for lies at all cost. Some of them fake social media account and use non existent names, but the solace remains that lie can never triumph over truth. This has been the standing order from the ages past till now.

Recently, there were traffic of conjectures pointing at Admiral Jibrin Usman that he has EFCC issue, he contributed to insecurity in Nigeria. All because he is contesting the 2019 gubernatorial election against Yahaya Bello.

Much as this is a sponsored campaign of calumny by agents of Kogi State, they should be reminded that they are no Court of law. The issue has been exhausted and dusted in favour of Admiral Jibrin.

It is so pathetic that the state keep indulging itself in pettiness in the guise of politics because they lack anything called ‘achievement’  in the last three and half years to launder in defense of the mandate they have enjoyed.

To Admiral Jibrin Usman,  politics,  they say is a dirty game.  The lies that the governor and Mr.  Edward Onoja are peddling through their cyberspace agents are those dirty politics.

Notwithstanding, Kogi people are with you on this journey to the Lugard House.

– Atekojo Samson Usman 

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