Kogi East: Why Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji is The Man

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If a Candidate’s s level of intellectual perspicacity, oratorical prowess, managerial astuteness, wealth of experience, unmatched excellence and proven integrity are the only criteria for winning elections, the man Victor Alewo Adoji would have since been declared Senator-elect to represent the good and pace-setting people of Kogi East senatorial zone in the Senate even before the elections are held. 

Dr. Adoji stormed Kogi’s political firmament with a rich dossier of years of dedicated service to humanity, philanthropic strides, academic sophistry and global exposure. He exited the boardroom for politics having spent the last two decades in the banking world where he held strategic leadership positions and contributed to major business and policy decisions undertaken by his employers.

He’s got all that a 21st century leader requires to turn around the fortunes of his followers for good. Dr. Adoji is a resourceful manager, adroit strstegist, innovative leader and master planner who wants to replicate the successes he’s achieved in the corporate world in public service. He strongly feels the Igala and Bassa people have not had it good in terms of National Assembly representation, with particular reference to the Senate since our return to democracy in 1999. 

Truth is, the crop of Senators we’ve produced in the last 16 years have done little or nothing to either promote our collective interest or take legislative actions to attract development to Kogi East Senatorial zone. In being frank, what we’ve so far experienced in terms of National Assembly representation (Senate) is a caricature of what parliamentary democracy entails. Those we’ve so far put forward for this very important assignment are either bereft of the workings of the parliament or are only interested in drawing salaries and allowances as Senators. There is hardly any strategic national project facilitated or attracted to our zone by our national assembly representatives, especially the Senate. 

The parliament is designed and meant for the best among us. Check it out, the Senatorial zones with visible national projects are those whose Senators are vibrant, outspoken, intelligent and smart. Sadly, in place of strategic national projects, what dots our landscape are gigantic personal structures and chains of business outlets fully financed by funds meant for addressing the needs of the masses. This is what you get when you elect opportunists and seedy characters as leaders.

Fellow Kogi Easterners, we have before us a unique opportunity to queue behind a man who has pledged to be innovative, prudent, transparent and engaging if elected to represent Kogi East in the Senate come this Saturday. Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji has taken his message of liberation, empowerment, freedom, development and prosperity for all to the length and breadth of Kogi East senatorial zone. Given his connection with the rural people, he isn’t unaware of what their problems are. He has held and still holding meetings with youths, women, children, local government workers, farmers, artisans, teachers and traders. In place of a manifestos, Dr. Adoji signed a social contract with the people, which according to him is the right and proper thing to do.

Come this weekend, 16th February 2019 to be precise, let us all file out in numbers in support of a man who has the required exposure, network, knowledge and mental resource to represent us in the hallowed chamber of the Nigerian Senate. Dr. Adoji is contesting on the platform of the African Democratic Congress (ADC). Queue behind a candidate who draws his support, strength and motivation from the selfless and sacrificial activities of thousands of young people who are determined to enthrone a regime of “innovative parliamentary representation”. 

We are too blessed, sophisticated, exposed and important a zone to be led or represented by the least qualified among us. Dr. Adoji’s towering academic, administrative and managerial credentials are a source of pride to us as a people. With two doctorate degrees and seven masters degrees across disciplines like Economics, Business Administration, Public Communication, Public Policy and Governance, Management and Public Finance in the bag, Dr. Adoji is without doubt eminently qualified to speak and represent us in the Senate. Being an experienced and accomplished banker, Dr. Adoji hopes to replicate the successes he’s achieved in the corporate world on a larger scale if elected. 

A vote for Dr. Adoji is a vote for innovative parliamentary representation, all-round development, people-oriented representation and prosperity for all. His opponents are banking on the support and manipulative tendencies of their godfathers, but Dr. Adoji is backed by the youths, students, women, men, market women, farmers and artisans who have since taken ownership of the #DVAA 2019 Project.

Undoubtedly, the Dr. Victor Alewo Adoji 2019 Senatorial project is indeed an idea whose time has come. Adoji is the man, ADC is the party and HANDSHAKE is the logo.

– Abdullahi Yunusa ProfWills

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