Yahaya Bello and Buhari; A Case of Political Son Betraying His Father

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There is a popular saying in political biology that says “mal-administration and bad governance are the spermatozoa that fertlize the ovary of the opposition and make deliver babies of criticism into the polity”.

That is the exact scenario in Kogi state.

The large crowd witnessed during the just concluded PDP rally in the state on the 7th of January, whether the people were rented, exported or imported is a clear pointer to one political fact that there is high level of mal-administration, bad governance and high level of distrust by people about the current administration. The administration basically lack legitimacy by the people. Hence, a solid reformation of the opposition who were defeated for the progress of the state.

Been a devoted APC MEMBER, what happened and is happening in Kogi state can be described as a situation of a political son politically betraying his political father.

Who am I talking about? Govornor Yahaya Bello is betraying his self acclaimed political father, President Muhammadu Buhari.

President Muhammadu Buhari made available all vital human and material resources to Yahaya Bello so that he can make Kogi state a better place for the citizens as well as make it a safe heaven for his political ambition when the time comes.

For example, he made available bailout funds, Paris club refunds, ecological funds etc to Yahaya Bello so as to offset or pay workers salaries, embark on infrastructural facilities development, alleviate hunger and poverty in the state. But unfortunately, those funds were not used for the purpose intended rather they were embezzled, diverted, mis-appropriated, hence turning the state to the headquarters of non-payment of salaries, a dis-oriented grassroots development sector and a collapsed public sector.

This has made hunger, poverty and humanitarian crises a bed mate of 95% of Kogites.

These actions and inaction of this administration has turned Kogi state into a battle ground in the forthcoming election. Had it been that Yahaya Bello used the said funds as instructed by his political father, Kogi state would have been a walkover for his political father, Muhammadu Buhari. But instead, due to the failure of the leadership mechanism in the state, he has succeeded in creating a battle field for Muhammadu Buhari in the forth coming general election.

While the opposition are taking advantage of the poor mechanism of governance in the state to regroup and subject the state to another round of under development, the government is busy doing two things; travelling to the grassroots to further propagate the falsehood and completion of infrastructures on face book.

Just like I have said, Yahaya Bello has successfully betrayed the ambition of his so called political father and created a political battle field instead of haven as a result of the bad leadership trend been experienced in the state.

The sudden geometrical rise in the numbers of opposition in the state as witnessed in the last PDP presidential campaign is not by chance or divine intervention, but as a result of the inability of the government of the day to know what to do, how to do it and when to do it.

– Sam Enemama Akubor

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