Shiru; An Idea for a Better Lokoja LGA, 2019 and Beyond

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For the first time in the history of Lokoja local government area council, an administrator has emerged not only is feeling the pains and agonies of the people of the local government, but equally carrying their burdens of infrastructural limbo, social amenities decayed and development seems only a glimpse from a true reality of this great ancient town that is having people of high ranks and great profile in this country.
The Present administrator of Lokoja local government, Hon Shiru Lawal has successful proven that, a once forgetting town being the capital of a state can be in the archives of history, a ruined and a deserted city can once again be remember as a golden city, yes he has shown that a hilly and mountainous town can be turned into a land that will flow with milk and honey.
Before his emergence as the local government council administrator, Lokoja by extension is known to be “Garin Bature” ,but sadly to note, it practically had a sudden lost of the good names it bears because of poor administrations of past governments. It’s also too sad to say that for the 26 years of the state’s existence, the local government being the capital has not commiserated in terms of social development, even when compare with sister capial that were created in the same year.
This unassuming Administrator is having a wonderful style of leadership despite economy crunch and meltdown he has able to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Lokoja local government can answer it’s real name (Garin Bature) haven placed in it a massive multi dimensional development of  infrastructures within 2 years and some months of his stay in office.
There is high anticipation of great harvest this year as his wisdom geared him to influence the procured Tractors and fertilizer to farmers in the local government, a high yielding crops and seedlings were to be given to all farmers to engage them into mechanise farming.
In an attempt to resuscitate the Education and Health sectors, he rendered the two sectors into a state of emergency thereby given them much attention of revenue allocation.
The Capricious coming of Hon Shiru lawal was divinely arranged to fill in the gap, to strengthen the none performances weaknesses of the previous regime and to take the local government many steps forward that ought to would have being since the return of democracy in the country.
Many like minds groups, associations and organisations like Team Shiru, Shiru For Social Change  and 4+4 Mutanen Lakwaja organization in support of Hon Shiru continuity have began to make waves of chanting support for the continuation of what they tamed “Administrator Today, Chairman Tomorrow” term of what they described “Shiru  the performing administrator“.
They construe to have a central message that Shiru is the omen had by the local government whose pace of development is cutting across all the nooks and crannies even within Lokoja|| constituency and villages without having any bias to party, religion and ethnicity.
– Mubaraq Yasmin

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