Eid – Mubarak from Coordinators Forum, National Youth Council of Nigeria, Kogi State

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The Coordinators Forum of National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN), under the leadership of Comrade Abdullahi Adamu, wishes the entire Muslim Ummah Happy Eid – El – Fitri. It is the fervent prayer of this forum that Allah accepts all your acts of Ibadah during the Holy Month of Ramadan and exalts you beyond your expectations.
We are most grateful to the entire Muslim community in Kogi State and indeed the entire country for their prayers and steadfastness in the glorious month which has seen the state and the nation enjoy peace and tranquility even in the face of some tribulations.
The forum wishes to thank President Muhammadu Buhari for the positive direction he is moving the nation through his policies and programmes that have seen relevant agencies of governance waking up to their responsibilities and rekindling hope in the minds of the citizens about the progress being made in the efforts of rebuilding the country.
The entire Nigeria has in recent times, seen a rejuvenation in the fight against corruption and efforts to right the wrongs of the past. This is evident in the decision to recognize the age long neglect of the acclaimed winner of June 12 1993 Presidential Election in the country, Chief MKO Abiola, a gesture that has been applauded by all and sundry.
At this juncture, the forum also apllauds the judicial arm for doing its bit towards aiding the government in realising its objectives of fighting the scourge and calls on the legislative branch to also follow suit so as to ensure that the nation enjoys good governance. We are convinced that it is only through such synergy that the country can move forward.
In the same vein, the forum applauds the genuine efforts of the present administration in Kogi State for its resolve towards ensuring that the people of the state, especially the civil servants, enjoy the Sallah Celebration by paying them One Month salary. It is hoped that Governor Yahaya Bello would expedite action towards ensuring that all salaries and allowances of workers and pensioners are promptly paid to make life easy for the people of the state.
This is also using the occasion to thank all the stakeholders for their continuous prayers for the continuous unity and harmony among the citizens.
Eid – Mubarak! May we celebrate plenty more.
Yabagi Mohammed 
Director of Media and Publicity
Forum of Coordinators, NYCN, Kogi State.

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