Who Will Victor Adoji Represent in the Senate? Not Igala Land!

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I do not want to make it look like a personal battle between Mr Victor Adoji and me; anytime I think about the state of politics in Igala land, and the attitude of Igala people towards politics – the rulers and the ruled – I feel worried. We cannot get a good politician out of a man who sees politics as way of having worldly and personal connections and enrichment. Some of the people that vie for political positions in Igala land do so because they see politics as a quick way of getting cosmic power and personal riches. Such people believe in using money to make money, and are bent on using their financial muscles to buy people’s conscience. Where that fails, they resort to violence, sponsoring thugs and goons. People should not display their conscience for sale.

I wrote an article early this year when a vox populi vox dei post was published on Facebook as to who, either Jibrin Isah Echocho or Victor Adoji, makes a better Senator. I presented Echocho as a more sellable candidate going by his generous, helpful, empathic and connective antecedents and his humble mien. Echocho is a home-grown politician, and because he lives with the people, he knows what the people want and feel, even though he may not as of now have the power to make any change. He will do that eventually. My position was misconstrued by some supporters of Mr Victor as a personal battle against him when in the real sense I have no personal business with him. As I said before, and I will continue to say, Mr Victor and I come from almost the same community, and I do not need anyone to tell me what he is and what he does.

As an aspirant wishing to represent Igala land and the Igala people in the Senate, I expect Mr Victor to take the problems and challenges of the people he wishes to represent as his. Aside the fact that Mr Victor has no record of any community or human development project, Victor is not willing to make any change months after my post revealed his deficiencies. He is distant from the people and does not care how they feel.

Igala land is the most famished of all the lands in the state, regardless of the fact that the first four leaders of the state from inception came from there. Igala land was lucky to have produced governors and military administrator, but it has not been lucky enough to produce good and productive senators. All that it had were a series of self-serving senators with despicable records of achievement. None of the senators cared about the welfare of the people of Igala land, hiding behind the glories of the governors to misrepresent the people. Now that the tide has changed, it is clear to us who the senators have been serving. Themselves! Because of the diseased string of senators we produced, we have decided to put our destiny in our own hands by working to choose for ourselves an accessible and a productive Senator. It is there Echocho comes in handy.

Mr Victor Adoji yesterday sent an article which was published by Kogireports, https://kogireports.com/democracy-day-message-out-fault-lines-of-ethnicity-and-religion-must-be-disparaged-victor-adoji/. In the article, Mr Victor generously outlined that religion and ethnicity are the bane of development of the land. He made references to Rwanda and other African countries, expressing happiness over people who wished him a happy birthday. Mr Victor failed regrettably to address the poverty and insecurity in Igala land, and the situation where a child was stolen from Peniel Hospital and Maternity, Anyigba. The woman who lost her child is from Okula, but was married to a man at Ofakaga II. Mr Victor is from Okula, and both of their family houses are joined side by side. The saddest event happened in Anyigba where Victor’s father has business interest. Even though Mr Victor did not single out the woman for reference, addressing insecurity at home was expected.

The simple import of Mr Victor’s attitude is that he will disappoint his followers and will distant himself from them in the event that he emerges the Senator. We should use our feet to push away a dangerous omen!


– Odih Daniel N.,

Kaduna, Nigeria.

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