Tenure Elongation: Kogi Assembly, A Laughing Stock – PDP

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The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has taken a swipe at the State House of Assembly for approving  extension of tenure of the Council Administrators for another six months as requested by Governor Yahaya Bello.

The latest approval of tenure extension which is to run from April 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 makes it the third in the life of the administration of Governor Yahaya Bello.
The PDP in a statement signed by its Director of Research and Documentation, Dickson Achadu in Lokoja on Thursday, said it is sad that the lawmakers have made themselves “laughing stock”, among comity of state Houses of Assembly.

The PDP said the Kogi State House of Assembly ought to have taken cue from their colleagues House of Assembly in Ondo State, who after one attempt at extension, declared caretaker local government administration as illegal and consequently ordered for the conduct of election.
The PDP described the action of the state lawmakers in granting the Administrators six month extension as “anti people”, adding it would rather allow for continuous pilfering of resources.
While lamenting that under the Gov. Yahaya Bello’s administration, Local Councils have been turned into “ATM machines”, said never has local government councils been run aground like is been experienced with workers now been paid paltry twenty five percent as salaries.
“If the APC administration under governor Bello is as popular as it claim, the PDP wondered why it is shying away from conducting elections at that tier of government, that is closest to the people”, he said.

The PDP called on the Kogi State House of Assembly to do a self assessment on its decisions taken so far and dissociate itself from “the perceived rubber stamp toga it is currently been termed.”

The statement urged the assembly to make laws for the improvement of the lives of the people rather than taking decisions that would further aggravate their sufferings.
Credit: Daily Trust

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