Opinion: Johnson Musa, The Charismatic Chosen Leader of Dekina-Bassa Masses

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He is a detribalized patriot whose love, dedication, passion and sacrifices for the generality of Dekina/Bassa land and people is undisputable. Here stands a man who has all the economic and social connects that would guarantee his abundance of wealth and probably make him to care less about anything. Yet here he is, bothering himself with the pains of his people who are suffering under bad and unreasonable political leadership.

What a leader of thoughts!

A man who would rather canvass for the enshrinement of probity and moral rectitude in the course of political leadership and democratic power cultivation. An audacious supporter of the masses, classic in the defence of our rights and privileges. A cynosure of the general voting public. A giver per excellence…!

He speaks with more grace than mere power of an outspoken public speaker- unlike the rest. The House of Representative is not for quacks. This is why Johnson Musa is a force to reckon with.

This is the man whose voice is laced with the ideas and the agenda of his people rather than self. With Johnson Musa as our representative come 2019, Dekina/Bassa people shall have a place to stand amongst the committee of the Nigerian Federal constituencies.

Think JM, think quality representation. Think JM, think expertise and moral brackets. Think JM, think cognate experience and awareness that will be deployed towards moving Dekina/Bassa people into an accelerated and progressive monumental zeniths of achievements in Kogi state.

Johnson Musa, as a liberal leader, will contribute his quota towards the growth of the common man in Dekina/Bassa.

Johnson Musa as a brand is morally infectious, politically charismatic with vital knowledge and deep grasp of communal challenges.

Johnson Musa, as our representative, shall bridge the gap between leadership and the led.

– Zhiya David.

G.R.A., Oguma, Bassa LGA.

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