Opinion: Pharm. Asuku’s Technology Empowerment Scheme, Don’t Be Misled By Micro Tech

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The importance of technology and its imperative benefits can never be over-emphasized, that is why the efforts of Director General on Protocol to Kogi State Government, Pharmacist Abdulkareem Asuku, shouldn’t go without encomiums.

The said programme is set to train over one hundred and fifty youths on; solar technology, computer studies, computer engineering.

Before the commencement of this empowerment programme they created public awareness ensuring equity and transparency win through. The management also ensured forms were made available for any interested individual, many youths who have gone before the forms were given directives to put down their names as notifications would be sent to them via any means provided by applicants. That was how the fraudulent activities of ‘MicroTech’ commenced; just few people received the notification, despite the mammoth turnout the empowerment scheme received.

In desperation to acquire reasons behind that, we lay hold of evidence that clearly shows the programme had taken another trajectory which is antithetical to the stance and meritorious intention of the programme initiator, Pharm. Asusu.

The director of ‘MicroTech’, Muhammad Labeeb took this to demonstrate favoritism towards friends, families and those he has secret affairs with. A programme which is now off the beaten track of the sponsor can’t reach the desirable positivity.

The programme which kicks start on 8th January 2018 recorded low turnout at  its centers in AAAMCO, and other places this programme is taking place, because they couldn’t meet up with the set goal, the previously mentioned skills to be acquired that couldn’t make it are; Computer Engineering, Solar Technology, Printing and publishing.

For all we know, funds were given in respond to all courses which would be offered, but the management of MicroTech Global services’ incompetence to provide adequate and standard teachers to execute this scheme effectively left us with no option than to pen down this article to arouse the attention of the DG protocol. Many were besought to change their courses to either computer studies or graphics, while some felt crestfallen as their intended courses to learn couldn’t make it among the list of courses now available.

Many youths opted for solar technology considering the level of epileptic power supply in Nigeria, and it would have been an immense advantage to the less-privileged people who find it very inflexible to learn with costly amount the only company in Kogi State usually demands.

I am writing this in defense of the initiator’s integrity and my fellow youths who couldn’t benefit from this empowerment scheme apropos unprincipled method in taking charge of this project.

I equally urge Pharmacist Abdulkareem Asuku (DG protocol) to carry out absolute scrutiny of my allegation. I would be gratified to be informed if this information provided is found worthy.

­– Ibrahim Ibrahim


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