Appointment of Youths into Governance, A Personal Opinion

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We must commend the governor of Kogi State, Alhaji Yahaya Bello for the youth-mindedness that characterizes his recent appointments into his administration. Of a truth, through this action, he has shown a deviation from the norm of appointing elderly people who many continue to perceive as the only good hands in governance. It is widely believed that if given the chance, the youths can bring fresh zeal to the administration of any government. This may have informed the governor’s decision.

However, the breed of young people that form part of this cabinet is something that calls for concern. It’s even more alarming that they appear to be a docile lot. Perhaps it even suffices to say that they are at home with mediocrity and are yet to appreciate the hallmarks of leadership and what it entails.

One of my mother’s favorite adages is this, that “the followers of a masquerade are themselves the masquerade”. She would usually say this to me whenever I try to underestimate the power and necessity of numbers. Obviously, the adage goes on to underscore the fact that the person who has quite a number of respected followers on his side commands more respect that the one who doesn’t. This is a good parallel to the Bello youth-inclined government of the day. However, It’s undeniable, the fact that there exists in his cabinet, a few people who have a mind that’s appropriate for their job. The active role they play cannot be overlooked.

The tenacity of governor Bello’s chief-of-staff, Mr. Edward Onoja is beyond question. Same can be said of his chief press secretary- Mrs. Petra Onyegbule. These are two young people in this administration who are much worthy of emulation. While I haven’t had an opportunity to meet the former in person, I’ve watched him speak on TV. At such times, the pride I feel to be a Kogite is enlivened. On one of such occasions I admired him as he spoke so well such that I felt there couldn’t be a better person to occupy that position. And the latter, she’s another revered personality who knows her onions when it comes governance, a quality that is evident in her ability to work in two capacities- judging by how, though she was a special adviser to the governor on electronic media, she also managed to perform some roles that were supposed to be carried out by the then special adviser to the governor on new media. Perhaps we might even be safe to say she’d make a great candidate for the House of Representatives. I personally would willingly give her my vote, knowing fully well she won’t disappoint.

I wish I could pour out similar accolades on the rest of governor Bello’s cabinet members, but sadly, no. It’s quite unfortunate that these people crave for leadership roles, yet they have failed to develop the capacity to carry out their tasks. They are a people who are so besotted with the attendant glamour and perks that come with a political office that they have almost relinquished their primary functions.

Retrospectively looking at the one year since these commissioners and special advisers have been appointed, isn’t it disheartening that they haven’t made much input to the progress of this government?  It’s quite laughable that they would rather keep social media platforms and other fora of public discourse awash with pictures and images of things that should be done, instead of being proactively involved by coming up with initiatives that would launch this government forward in the right direction.

I must urge governor Bello to realize the need for him to rejig his cabinet, bringing a relief from their jobs to those who require such measures.

Kogi has been on the front burner of a long year of controversial court cases, but now is the time to get to work. A failure on the part of the governor would not only be a brunt he bears alone, but it would be a failure of the youths in their entirety.

– Aliyu Mahmud Amoto

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